Please revoke frenzied regen buffs at least for boomy

At this point its getting hilarious
Compared to last season everyone now has 400k more hp while doing slightly more damage, frenzied regen healing is just way overtuned
Ret war literally does 0 damage to boomy entire game unless they decide to press queue button with a rshaman in team
Queued some 3s game with some day 3 boomys, literally the most unkillable spec in the game, watching leafon staying 60% hp while im getting kidneyed into triple sheep vs dazed and jape is actually hilarious

This current meta is so incredibly fried every spec with a % defensive/selfhealing is tankier than actual tanks and yes I actually tested and played with tanks, vs casters boomys are 100000% tankier than prot pala and prot warrior


can we at least wait until people get geared before we start crying about everything


No, down with chicken. :dracthyr_love_animated: Three seasons is enough.


We can cry about the changes that should of been made last season. At very least revert the stam buffs on the trinket set bonus.


we all know usually games are a bit faster and more bursty at the beginning of seasons
if games are already this slow and some specs are already this tanky then I highly doubt things will change after people get geared
yes I know we have higher vers with greens and we have no tier set I know those you dont have to remind me


are there mlg ret rsham skyfury combos going on or what’s the difference rsham makes here to cause chicken mortality? or do i have it backwards and being a boomkin+rsham team is what makes death possible?

i have not had the experience of chillin when ret war slugs me on boomy but i am fallible

absolutely agree with this and cov’s post about stam as well

vers increases dmg twice as fast as it reduces it anyway, so the only effect this would have is that healing defensives have a little more value relative to walls/mobility/peels than they will at the end. it’s not like boomy lacks mobility and peels, so its relative tankiness is almost certainly not gonna decrease


Rshaman can die vs cleaves easily, lacks burst healing outside of NS and having to stay in earthen totem damages the boomy’s potential to kite
It’s also pres/hpriest being better than rsham in this meta as well
However my speculations are mostly based on a cleave POV and I’m sure rshaman/boomy is better than pres/boomy in caster matchups or boomy mirrors

Yeah I agree, good point


ah yeah i misunderstood it as “ret war rsham can beat boomy x x where other variants can’t”

yeah having my healer stroll out of the other boomy’s root beam is hilarious

yeah i’ve killed myself parking in a few earthens instead of moving

i think optimized play just uses boomy range+mobility to avoid damage and cc until someone stuns me and then just earthen the stun, haven’t played boomy with pres to compare


Defensive vers actually keeps pace really well with offensive vers. The value of offensive vers is constantly decreasing as values get higher until defensive vers overtakes it at 50%. 2 targets with 30% vers is a 10.5% damage increase, whereas at 40% the increase is 12%. So damage values from raw vers only went up 1.3%, but there’s been a huge loss in other secondary stats that scale damage far better causing damage as a whole to go down.

Heres a graph with the top being damage increase, and the bottom being the differential showing the decreasing rate of change.

i’m on the tail end of 3 final exams so i could just be misinterpreting this-are you saying the vers stat encounters diminishing returns for offensive use at a different point than it does for defense?

what do you mean by targets? two opposing players who each have 30% vers?

The defensive bonus of versatility diminishes the offensive bonus. As 2 targets each gain equal amounts of versatility, the overall offensive gain diminishes.

Vers Total Damage ∆
0% 100% 0%
10% 104.5% 4.5%
20% 108% 3.35%
30% 110.5% 2.31%
40% 112% 1.36%
50% 112.5% 0.45%

Normally, going from 130% damage to 140% damage would be a 7.69% damage increase, but because of the defensive counterweight of versatility, its only an increase of 1.36%. So the damage bonus of vers may be twice the number, but damage reduction scales far better.

Anyways, what I’m saying is that all these gains in versatility are far more beneficial defensively than offensively, compounded more by the loss in other stats that generally scale damage better than versatility does. Damage right now is as low as its going to be this season.


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Nice triangle

bruh wtf is going on in this thread
this is why new players cant get into wow

is that a @#$ing science graph


wtf do you think a “science graph” means as a standalone term

Go quest you ignorant casual

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its a delta you uncivilized swine


You do know pretty much any game you play with any kind of competitive aspect has stuff like this going on right? This graph isn’t why wow sucks at retaining new players and you’re fried for even trying to say it does.

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Don’t try to act like this game isn’t actually complicated. If a person wanted to write a book on the full how-to ins and outs of WoW and pvp, the book would look like a text book. The game really is actually that complicated. Some of you forget we have 20 years experience playing in this dump. There are literally thousands of addons built for this game. Next xpac, we’ll have a 3rd spec page and every spec will have further complicated modifiers to figure out. We have a macro system that is a literal programming language. Blizzard cant even be bothered to give it a simple interface with dropdown navigation with any meaningful instruction. You gotta go online and search for the formulas that do what you want. There is zero simple about this game.

Hence why it’s dead as a door nail. When normal people that work for a living get spare time, they want something to play that feels fulfilling without the need for hundreds of hours invested just to step into the content and barely accomplish anything. Thats what MMO’s actually are. It’s a place where irresponsible people spend more time than with their actual family lol. It is what it is.


This guy has never heard of any MOBA, shooter, or fighting game. Or rts

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LOL no fella. There is no comparison to any the garbage you just compared this game to.

Moba, Shooters = grade school Basic Math < WoW = university level Calculous

I got Diamond 1 in League after less than a year playing the game. Never had to download a single addon or setup a macro. Ever.

Here I am 20 years later and I haven’t broke 2k on any of my alts this entire time. Some people have it, others just don’t. I don’t have it. It sucks, but its not the end of the world. I still manage to have fun. However, I have had a lot of friends bale over the years out of frustration with the games skill floor/barrier to entry.

you go be all you can be, man