Please Review all of Frost DK PvP Modifiers and PvP Talents

These are a complete mess at the moment. Pillar never got adjusted after its rework. Its still 12% which is half of the old Pillar value but it doesn’t ramp anymore.

Empowered Rune Wep needs to be unnerfed in PvP. Unholy doesn’t have it anymore and we didn’t get base haste to make up for lowering our CD haste like we did with damage.

Rot and Wither PvP talent is a joke. It needs to be a flat heal cut percentage. We don’t have a single damage PvP talent now.


Im sorry but I cant take this from someone called chillstreak. Fdk is not the only spec riddled with pvp only nerfs to multiple talents. Ret arms talent trees are full of them

Ret wings and wall are cut by 50% in pvp too.

You seem lost.


Nah Im not the one asking blizzard tk remove pvp nerfs to a talent tree that has been problematic for years and is nothing but good right now. You are the one whos lost

Great post as you are a valued member of the WoW community.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman: