Please revert these Shadow changes

I can literally tell you that you’re not unique. You think people play classes based on whether or not it’s a builder / spender, etc, but they don’t. They have their own fantasy and flavor preference, they identify with their characters or whatever. So when many people saw their class being changed to some void priest, they felt the same as you. Many people DID quit because their character was no longer theirs. It wasn’t a matter of, “Oh I guess I’ll go play some other builder-spender since they’re all the same to me.”

I’ve seen you commenting around, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone quite so self-important.

If Void Form shadow priest was it for you, then perhaps it’s best to go find another game.
Or you could be an adult and learn to be happy for others.

Many people that quit because the priest they’ve known since the beginning changed will now be coming back. I realize anecdotes aren’t evidence, but just a cursory glance through forums shows that roughly 90% of priests are happy about this change.

So just get on board or stop bemoaning on forums because when you’re not being happy for others, no one is going to feel too bad for you.

See you in Azeroth.


OP, you’re objectively wrong.

The new changes have made shadow better and being unique for the sake of being unique is pointless if the spec is awful in 90% of the game.


As I said earlier in the thread… While voidform was certainly unique, it also came at the cost of removing a spec (old shadow) that many people played and enjoyed, which was not fair in the first place.

I get your argument about not having anything else that is similar in playstile and I even agree that despite the issues it was fun to play (to me at least), but it’s also clear that most Shadow mains didn’t like that mechanic and that their spec essentially got removed for no good reason.

I wish they would try another shot at a voidform-like mechanic some day, but it shouldn’t come at the cost of removing a spec that players love. It can be done either as a new class, or at least they should pick a class with multiple DPS specs so players have alternatives and something to fall back to while the devs experiment and try to make it work.

So overall I think the rework was the right choice, there was no way to satisfy everyone and someone had to “lose”, I am really sorry for your loss as I know how bad it feels when something you really enjoy gets taken away. But it’s pretty clear that most players are happy about it. Personally while I didn’t hate voidform I think the new rework looks even cooler and very fun, I’m pretty excited about it.

Also I’m pretty sure if you give it a real shot you will find some other class you can find enjoyable, heck you might even enjoy the new shadow if you are willing to give it a fair chance.


old demo was probably the most similar to the voidform we know in legion, but still wasn’t that close. it was also 100x better than voidform. can blizz just bring that back? please?


Yeah I remember that one pretty well, I think it was certainly an interesting mechanic and you had more control over when to pop in and out of it, so it gave way more agency to the player. I think that one was honestly a better implementation of that type of mechanic.

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I read through the beta forum. Was almost a fight over there :flushed: some peeps really like voidform

I understand what some were saying though. Voidform is entirely unique, and by losing it, the game as a whole no longer offers that playstyle… In any class or spec. It’s just gone

Kinda sucks.

Although, it is Blizzard’s fault we’re even in this mess. They ripped shadow away from people that liked it, plopped voidform in it’s place, let people grow to like it, then got themselves in a situation where they basically had to choose a “side”

And no matter what version of shadow they chose, people were going to be upset.

Personally I think shadow is more functional with the changes. It seems to offer more in more situations, and is no longer held back by ramp up.

I still feel for the people that truly loved voidform though. Even I’m kinda sad to see it go. I never had a problem with the spec itself, just all the borrowed power that kept increasing our ramp up, and making us less and less useful on shorter fights or burst situations

Also, I’m really sad I won’t be levitating all the time. That was by far my favorite thing about voidform. Getting to float around while all the other plebs are stuck on the ground :sunglasses:


You know what I don’t get?

Why is it that as soon as these changes were announced, a select few cried and moaned and generally just poo pooed all over the changes without actually being constructive… they were being destructive.

So then I have to ask…

If you cant provide feedback to make LOTV that ramping playstyle that you want so bad… Then I am to assume you know IT CANT BE BALANCED and therefore cannot return to something that resembles what it was before this rework. Because rework or not, blizzard will not let it go into SL being overpowered compared to everything else. So the best case is for it to not be crap which was looking to be far from it.

If all you can do is tear down the changes and not try and make LOTV what blizzard have clearly stated they want it to be and that is to be the option for those that liked the ramping nature of Voidform then your admitting that you never cared for balance and just wanted your “feels good” playstyle which is VERY unhealthy for the game if you are not giving 2 licks for balancing.

I think I have contributed quite a bit in trying to make LOTV good and resemble what is was like and I don’t even care for it and will never play it. But I want to make this a good and more importantly FUN class/spec to play.

That’s my take on it.


I did.


This is your initial response to the changes.
After this response, I scrolled through and bit to find any shred of constructive feedback on how to make LOTV work. You provided nothing. The closest thing was this…

It doesn’t provide stacking haste. That is the core of Voidform’s design.

And I made the point that, that stacking haste going to an unlimited amount was the REASON why Voidform was so broken and why ultimately it was removed and rightfully so. Its the unlimited scaling that causes all these issues (not borrowed powers). You need to put a cap on it. If you cant suggest a way to make Voidform work without unlimited scaling, then you have simply and utterly completely failed in trying to provide constructive feedback on these recent changes.

So no, you did not provide constructive feedback. You essentially said “blizz didn’t try to make it work” or just “make it work” without actually engaging and reflecting that the REASON we are where we are now is because of the unlimited nature of scaling stats.


The likes of you told us to go do this at the start of legion. Well, now it’s my turn. You don’t like these changes Vivianu? LOL! Go reroll! It’s OUR class now!!!

As it always was, for 12 years prior.


Because Karen and Becky are selfish and selfcentred.
Chucked a hissy and went home with their ball. To be honest, I don’t really care if they don’t enjoy the new spec.

I guess SPriest just isn’t for them, because their toxic fantasy is now dead and unsupported :rofl:


To be fair, being forced to pick specific talents isn’t a flaw with voidform but with overall spec design. Any time a spec can’t function properly without specific talents, it’s on the devs. The problem with Shadow on this front is/was that so many of our talents are essential…

You need Shadow Word: Void because without that second charge, Mind Blast’s cooldown clashes too hard with your rotation.

You need Auspicious Spirits because you depend on that insanity generation.

You need Lingering Insanity or else you lose a major portion of your power and you don’t benefit so much from maintaining voidform.

You need Legacy of the Void or else you have way too much ramp up and lost insanity, never mind the damage bonus tacked on it.

This means that many talents which would otherwise be interesting choices will never, ever be picked because you can’t skip these talents. And guess what? That’s four of our five DPS talent rows. Like, imagine if Frost mages had to spec into Fingers of Frost and Shatter. Or if Elemental shaman had to spec into Lava Burst. Or if Assassination rogues had to spec into Seal Fate. Yes, it’s okay for a talent to be superior. No, it’s not okay to bake basic functionalities of a spec into its talent tree. This is what the devs did with Shadow and it was bad design and it’s a shame it took this long to fix.

Shadow priest will get nerfed on beta before it goes live. It’s out-performing everything with no raid gear.

Mechanically it’s nothing interesting. The only reason it feels good is because insanity in bfa was dogsh- and the new changes have overtuned damage.

Voidform was fun in Antorus. It sucked all through BFA. I would OS shadow quite a bit in legion if we had too many healers, but hated it in BFA. Numbers were OK, it just never felt fun.

Even so, the base design of the spec already looks more useful, in different situations mind you, than voidform. If you’ve been a long time shadow priest player you know pre-legion shadow was never the spec to play if you were looking to top meters. We played it because we liked how it played and the devs took that away when adding in voidform.

So yeah they can nerf the numbers, I 100% expect them to. That doesn’t change the fact that I’m still excited that voidform is no longer a core part of the spec because it made me hate playing my spriest so much I had to reroll because I was no longer enjoying the game.

While yes numbers are important, I find how a spec plays to be far more important to me personally. I’m sure there are people hopping on the rework hype train that will ultimately reroll or choose not to play it once it does get nerfed, that won’t surprise me.


almost every single person ive seen play new spriest has said that they enjoyed it regardless of the numbers and that it’s just fun to play.


Mechanically speaking, the spec still sounds fun. They should increase the Dark Thoughts proc rates mind, but overall I’m looking forward to it. Our main aesthetic still has a vaguely N’Zoth feel to it, having wave after wave of shadows washing over our enemies. We drown our enemies in the sea of shadows.

The problem is, having a bunch of DPS cds will take away from that consistent sustained beat down, and puts us more into a burst window playstyle.


Yeah this is my biggest concern right now. I really liked old shadow because it was consistent. I didn’t have to worry about shoving a ton of things into a small time frame and worrying about messing up that small time frame or being tossed a mechanic to deal with that ruins it for me. That’s why I could never truly enjoy aff lock either even though it was the next best thing for me since I wasn’t enjoying shadow. Because of how deathbolt and and darkglare work. I’m hoping the CD window for shadow isn’t as chaotic.


I find it funny how now that the Anti Void Form crowd has finally gotten what they wanted (that includes me) there is ANOTHER split on whether or not we should have all of these cooldowns.

Unfortunately it appears a lot of people have the misunderstanding that we can have very high sustained damage AND have a bunch of powerful cooldowns. That’s not how that works. Lol.

We should’ve gotten our old utility like disarm or spectral guise back. Not 3 damage cooldowns and up to 6 depending on talent choice.


The shadow community are known for being creative and eccentric. Remember when we discovered dot weaving?