The old “cheetah” looked like a pointy jaguar. We need more things to be touched up in the graphics department, not less.
Wolf travel form for Worgen please… and Pack form for Worgen druids after optional tails. Win win!
It’s wild to see a Worgen player say this.
See, thats the thing, its all subjective. And so what if they do? Them having that option hurts who? Why must you people be so dense and toolish?
To me your T-mog is trash, But I am sure you like it, see how subjective works…
They not teach you this stuff?
To be fair, they thought the OP wanted the new form deleted and replaced with the old one. They didn’t realize the OP was asking for the old one to be returned as an option.
I agree! Although it’s not high-poly or anything, the original Cheetah form has its charms.
In fact, there’s a glyph in-game called Glyph of the Humble Flyer which allows Druids to use their original flight form–so it would make sense to have a glyph which allows players to transform into the OG Cheetah, as well.
No need for a glyph as just an option in the Barber shop would suffice.
You don’t have a tail
The old model is pretty terrible looking at this point, or perhaps it always was, but they did update the Moonkin form while still offering the “classic” version at the barber shop. Who knows their reasoning…
Right. I guess “glyph” is kind of outdated but that’s how you used to acquire optional forms. I don’t know if they just completely got rid of cosmetic glyphs now that the barbershop is expanding, though.
I think for transformations and summons (except Shaman elementals) that seems to be the way they’re going, though Glyph of Stars is still the only way Balance Druids can avoid looking like a badly stuffed owl.
That’ll never happen
You should get in touch with Blizzard, they called it: Glyph of the Cheetah