Please retune world dragons. Too hard and gear not good enough

I have a fresh 60 alt. I had never seen it until yesterday but someone was making a raid for the 4 dragons. We got completely annihilated.

Now I realize why I never see groups for them. They are way overtuned and the gear is subpar (though great for fresh 60s in blues).

As a result, no one is interested in killing them besides fresh alts and new 60s.

With that in mind, please adjust them accordingly to thunderaans difficulty which I think is the perfect amount of challenge for SOD catch up raids. Cheers.

you can’t kill the silly world bosses with all your new SoD abilities? that’s a yikes :expressionless:

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Never underestimate the badness of the average wow pug player

I agree the fact that there are people in classic(sod,cata,anniversary) that can’t clear all raids under an hour each is shocking to me.

Still playing sod? :neutral_face:

commenting on SoD does not mean I am playing it :expressionless:

I see the :expressionless: :expressionless: :expressionless: :expressionless: spammer is using a new character.

So anyways. Yes some of the world dragons are overturned for the loot it drops. I’m looking at you duskwood dragon(emeries?) the one with the waves of horde trying to gank you. That is overturned. The rest are easy

Also he has aq40 gear in his pic lol

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Isn’t the whole point of redoing these bosses with an instance to allow people to experience them? If no one is running the raid, something is clearly wrong.

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They are faceroll content