Please Restore Last Highest PVP Rank

I cant call it poor communication because I firmly believed they would hold your current rank based on the notification that they would not be counting this week toward your progress.

I said as much on these forums and was told ‘nuh uh’. It didnt make sense to me to keep the old system up and running the whole time after the announcement so I rationally drew the conclusion that this was the way they were going to go.

Long story short, if you quit ranking based off a vague post you have no one to blame but yourself.

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Are you saying that choices have consequences?

The post from May 22 is about as far from “vague” as you can get:

I suspect you didn’t see what others could not. Rather, Blizz intended a full reset but later caved to complaining/pressure. Not saying they made the wrong decision, just that when making such a huge course-correction after such a long time, they should strive for fairness when it can be accomplished and won’t undermine competition.

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Its the opposite.

I saw what the players did not.

This topic came up two and a half weeks ago. Based on what I had read, I extrapolated that they were going to hold the rank you had the week before going into the change. People told me I was dead wrong.

In fairness to them, I accepted that I might be wrong. Based on a strict interpretation of a couple of sentences from that post, one could make a case they meant a literal full wipe of the honor system. In that other thread I noted that they did not include a firm example of what that meant by that. They didn’t say you’re going from 10 to 0 even if that’s the implication, so yeah, somewhat vague is still vague.

I also pointed out a follow up Blue Post that clearly implied they were intending to hold your rank. As of two weeks ago, the only thing you could say about it is “no one really knows for sure”. Now you wanna tell me you knew for sure and you knew exactly what Blizz meant and what Blizz was gonna do when all the evidence suggests otherwise.

Okay then.

As evidenced by the daily megathreads of seething outrage demanding Blizz not reset the honor system. Tell yourself whatever you need too to sell your story. Nothing’s gonna change.

Blizz, you said the rank system would be “completely reset.” Players relied on that and then you did an complete about face.

Make it right.

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Why weren’t you helping your boys graduate 14 before the reset instead of sitting on the sidelines.

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Chadest of chads.

Is it true that Whitemane ranking was messy? That’s what someone said.

I agree in 12 weeks people should have been able to get their rank, or just decide to not spend any time and wait.

I was telling people there was a danger of them losing their rank based on the first blue post. That’s what the PTR showed.

I said they should rank for fun or at their own “risk”.

There would have been people upset either way. Your opinion just happened to be right on this one. If you hadn’t been right what would you be saying now? :person_shrugging:

Still, the notice was SO long that people seriously should have been able to finish up or not start before getting burned at all. So it is hard for me to not give Blizzard props for issuing notice on this one.

It didnt make sense to me that they were waiting one week prior to rolling out the changes to stop progression. I said at the time I was skeptical of a complete and total reset because they merely implied it, they didnt define it.

So I used elementary deduction to conclude this was what they were going to go but I left it open that I could be making an error in judgement. Turns out my reading comprehension and understanding of “Blizzard logic” didnt fail me.

Yes, I took a guess and got it right. That would mean that others guessed wrong. Whose fault is it for guessing wrong and giving up on pvp the second they assumed they weren’t being rewarded for it?

Its blizzards fault for putting players in the position where they had to “guess” what was happening instead of clearly communicating what was going to happen


Agreed with Kayberz here.

When people asked I wasn’t going to tell them to rank as there was some chance they’d have their time wiped out. In the same way that I wouldn’t encourage a person to gamble on something that could cost them all their money even if the wording showed that it may be a good investment.

I do understand people “lost something” here either way.

As for the gripe, I’ll concede that because it was 12 weeks out people should have decided what was going to work from there and finished up or stopped early. Or played just for fun to where they would have been happy now with whatever they got to.

You can give the players making their own beds a free pass if you want after admitting the communication wasn’t concise enough - which is by design by the way - not too mention that’s how Blizz has operated for well over a decade.

Im under no burden to see it that way. We wouldnt even be here discussing this if the players knew what the hell they were doing.

Yeah, pvp is supposed to be its own reward. That’s why I dont get hung up ‘woe is me’ sob stories about the secondary rewards.

Your stance of blaming players for not closely paying attention to what blizzard says while simultaneously claiming its players fault for taking blizzards word at face value and not expecting inconsistencies is contradictory

“You should have payed attention to what they communicated, but also you should have assumed that what they communicated would be inaccurate”

Its like no matter what its always the players fault in your eyes

“You made your own bed by not paying attention to what blizzard said”

"You made your own bed by assuming blizzard wouldn’t change their plan last minute "

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I think PVP is fun. If I was going to hop on one of my toons and join the Era BGs it would be for that and I’d probably just spend a free evening doing it. I almost did that after Lazarak invited me a while ago but I was really burnt out on WoW at the time.

I told people on here when they asked if they should push that they shouldn’t. Instead, I said they should PVP for fun if they wanted. Some said they’d rather spend the time leveling an alt or something. I still don’t think I made any mistakes in what I said.

I wasn’t watching but if you were telling people to push based on the wording you saw and you were not just debating what the wording was then ok that’s the way you like to do things.

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How? If you didnt pay close attention and took them at what you incorrectly assumed to be face value and chose to be ignorant of their entire PR history that’s on you.

And even if Blizz did lie or screw up or cheat you in some way, you have no recourse anyway - you agreed to the ToS. No one is a victim here so why pretend?

Thats a stupid and distorted caricature of what Im saying but I could care less at this point. “I totally quit pvp after one blue post” isn’t much better.

Its their absolute determination to finger point and blame while refusing to accept any accountability whatsoever.

We were working this out on the forum like three weeks ago. I said they werent going to take your rank away. I was told I was wrong. Someone goofed up but it sure as heck wasnt me.

I just didnt see clear cut evidence or wording that a reset of the system meant every single person with any rank would be starting over from 0. I took reset to mean they were dumping the systems current metrics and going in a different direction with it.

Im not blaming anyone for drawing a different conclusion because you could definitely make a case for a complete reset. My thing is stop blaming everything you do on Blizzard because Blizzard didnt tell you to stop playing the game altogether.

I didnt tell anyone to push or to stop pushing because thats not up to me and no one asked me what they should do.

A few people asked the general forum population so that’s why I replied to them saying what I did. I wouldn’t have been comfortable telling them to push based on any of that wording.

None of this matters to me personally because all I’ve done is level this forum avatar druid and even that’s more than I was planning to play right now.

Your stance is essentially:

“Its your fault for not listening to what blizzard said”

But then when what they said ends up not being consistent with that they end up doing:

“Its your fault for trusting in what blizzard said”

You’re doing textbook victim blaming, but you weren’t the victim so haha sucks to be them, not your problem though, its their fault regardless of what they did with the information given to them by blizzard, blizzard is never in the wrong for giving misleading/outright false information

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