Please restore character creation on Chaos Bolt

My Era guild plays there and I’m unable to join them. I’m not looking for a full time gig, I’m an Era main and intend to continue to be for quite some time. I’m not interested in finding a new community, I’d rather stick with the one I have. There’s been some new changes to SoD that make me kinda want to check it out, but I’m not going to do that if I can’t play with my guildies.

I get it, Blizzard wants to consolidate servers, but it’s fair to say that not everybody enjoys the megaserver vibe. Since playing on a server similar to Chaos Bolt in Era, I’ve come to appreciate the fact that if I want something in the game, I can just go out and get it. Sure it may take me a bit of time, but I don’t have to compete with the bots/farmers who are just there to make gold so they can sell it to other players. If that kind of environment is your jam, no worries, power to you… but I’ve found it’s not for me.

All I want to do is join my friends in SoD, but I can’t because the server is locked. Anybody who was going to leave that realm has done so by now, so just let people who want to play there do their thing. Please restore new character creation so I can join them. I don’t need transfers, I don’t need boosts, I just need to make a new level 1 character.


Moved this to the Customer Support forums. Please allow new character creation on Chaos Bolt.

Unforyunately blizzard doesnt take suggestions here classic general is better.

Unfortunately as much as I am sure the GMs would love to help reunite you with your friends, they can’t.

The Developers make the decisions on servers and control those. They decide what is open or not based on server balance and stability. The GMs have no way to overide that. Devs will change server access when they feel it benefits the game balance. No saying when, or if, that will happen.

The decisions on severs are not made by Customer Support I am afraid. There is nothing anyone here can do to help. You are free to suggest that you want changes in the SoD forums where Devs do get feedback, but beyond that unfortunately you are out of luck.

I don’t expect them to be, but the Customer Support staff can bring this to the attention of the devs if they wish, can’t they? Whether or not they do is up to them I suppose, but that’s my intent in bringing it here.

Not everybody wants to play on a mega server and locking off Chaos Bolt has isolated the community there, as well as alienated anybody who doesn’t want to play on a mega server. There is value in small server communities and I feel it’s important for the devs to be aware of that.

No, they can’t. Blizzard does not have any connection between the CS team and the Dev teams. They are not even in the same state in the US.

They have what are called Community Managers who are tasked to collect feedback across many sources - forums, reddit, twitter, streams, twitch, youtube, etc. Their job is to collect that feedback into a weekly report that is presented to the Devs. They don’t read any of the Support category forums. They read the Discussion category forums, as well as other outside sources.

You can also use the in-game Suggestion tool if you wish. That goes to the feedback collection folks.

That’s honestly somewhat disappointing, but thank you for clarifying. I’ve moved the topic back.

I’ll look into this, thank you.

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Would also be nice to at least open up a second RP realm. Seems strange there’s only one realm for RP, but it’s locked down.

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That’s a good point in that there’s no unlocked RP realms (PvP or otherwise) available right now. I want to play with my friends, which should be compelling enough, but there’s a community of role players in WoW and always has been. SoD offers no community for them.

Blizzard’s stance these days seems to be that a small community is equivalent to no community, but then they also leave these realms up and running. Their war against just letting people play the game continues, I guess…

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