Please Rename the "Gaze of N'zoth"

If the other Rare is called “Will of N’zoth” this one should obviously be “Carlton of N’zoth”.


This was a stretch to be funny but you went all in.

You get the participation trophy


freshprince love that old 90s show will smith was awesome though family maters IMO was better I wasn’t into shows like full house . if you want insanity steve ercule or how ever its spelt is the real insanity.

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I thought Fresh Prince was better.

Family Matters overused Urkel.

At least with Will and Carlton you never knew what you were going to get.

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I can’t believe there still isn’t any race that does the carton.


The actor that plays carlton tried to sue fortnite for the likeness of the dance.

He lost the case and looked salty AF about it.

Then it’s free to be used now!

I would be salty too if Fortinite was making money off my work.

Fortnite, of all things!


Mmmmmmm…. I can’t wait to meet the Hilary of N’zoth or the Ashley of N’zoth :yum:

Staying away from the Uncle Phil of N’zoth though…

You’d have to go off planet for that lol

Like the Iron Reaver of Azeroth

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