This is going to be rather long winded.
I am a current healer who is looking to make the move to DPS. I would be swapping to mage. I have done 6/10M CN as a Disc Priest, but I have not raided in a while due to my raid team imploding. The other person also looking raided 6/10M as a Hunter and has a lot of experience as all specs of paladin and a DPS DH. They would be willing to play Hunter, Paladin (any spec), Warlock, DPS Warrior, or Tank Druid. Depending on the class, they’re all different ilvls but have plenty of time to focus on gearing and would be willing to jump in alt runs to speed up the process.
We are looking for a Home, not a temporary spot or a place that isn’t established. We will work and prove ourselves to earn a spot and have no issue with putting in a lot of time and effort. We do not want to get into an unstable environment again. To put in perspective, I was in the same guild over 3 expansions and upon returning, I haven’t been able to find a “Cutting Edge” guild that lasts halfway through a tier. We have Cutting Edge experience and have the time and drive to put into this game to get back to that spot. We’re not looking for a guild that wants to raid everyday at release of a tier but we definitely want a group of people who are stable and can work together to kill bosses and get CE before the next tier (even if it’s only the night before!). Please reach out to us via Discord Haninia#2651 if you feel like you are the place for us as we’d love to talk to you! We do prefer horde, but if we think it’d be a good fit, we could be tempted to swap! Also, prefer to keep the times no earlier than 6pm EST and no later than 1am EST.