Please remove War Within Pathfinder


You have actively acknowledged multiple times in the past that Skyriding is not disability friendly. You have made improvements to options to try to make them more friendly, but they are still not great.

This effectively turns regular flight into an accessibility feature for WoW. There is a reason I see people on regular mounts flying across the dragon isles still, when skyriding would be faster.

Do not gate an accessibility feature behind anything.

How would colorblind people feel if they gated colorblind mode behind successfully identifying all the colors on a randomized image?

How would people feel if arachnophobia mode was gated behind an achievement to kill 1,000 spider enemies?

Accessibility should never be gated. Ever. It does not matter how “easy” the unlock is.

If you insist on having Pathfinder - make Pathfinder give us the upgraded flight speed for regular flight. Before having the achievement, make us fly at the current flight speed. This allows us to have the accessible option of regular flight, but still reward us for questing and exploring.



don’t wanna be rude, but there is already a huge thread discussing exactly this topic. :slight_smile:

Locking “steady flight” behind Pathfinding is an accessibility issue - In Development / The War Within Beta Test - World of Warcraft Forums (


Great write-up thanks!

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Isn’t this the same campaign that (going by DF), you would have to do anyway in order to unlock world quests?

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It is, but what takes someone 6-8 hours who likes Skyriding is going to take someone who doesn’t like it or can’t handle Skyriding much longer. This is time they simply shouldn’t have to suffer through.

With the new expansion’s zones being fully designed for flight, Pathfinder no longer has a place or defensible purpose.


I just posted about this but I think they need to saw the reward out and have static/sky riding speeds be reduced at launch and then make increased flying speeds be the reward for the pathfinder achievement.


Don’t forget, that you also have to reveal every small part of each zone map. If you can’t use skyriding by groundmount with mobs running around and with steep hills you have to walk around, etc.

Valid point, but you will get more traction making these arguments off Blizzard forums. Take it to social media, make the argument about accessibility more visible to parties outside players with an active sub. Call greater attention to their design choices.