I am very glad that Blizzard is letting us transmog into gray & white quality gear, but I just wish they would remove the weight restrictions for transmogs (i.e. warlocks can transmog into plate, hunters into cloth, etc.).
Some of you may reply “Well it ruins immersion/It ruins class fantasy.” If you want your immersion, then shouldn’t all classes wield a musket/gun? Shouldn’t all classes wear cloth only as armor becomes obsolete to said muskets/guns? Why aren’t NPCs following the transmog rules to said class fantasy?
I say give us more customization options. We don’t strictly look at other player’s fashion for neither PVP nor PVE. It also creates more sub-classes in a sense. A mage transmogged into plate armor could technically be a battlemage while a death knight transmogged into cloth is technically a necromancer.
tl;dr: I just want to be able to reroll into a mage while being able to transmog into plate armor.
I agree, we can be wearing pretty much cloth as any class. With our silly outfits, it wouldn’t be out of the ordinary to make things a little more funky by deleting tmog restrictions on armor type. Have you seen the “plate” zenith mortis set?
Completely agree with opening up transmog of all armor types. As someone who has mostly plate-wearing mains, there’s serious difficulty in trying to find a simple low-fantasy mog, or even something that just doesn’t feel oversized or over-designed with spikes or crystals and such all over the place. Being able to transmog run-of-the-mill leather or cloth sets would go a long way in actually feeling like I have a realistic, simple appearance as a plate wearer.
I don’t think loosening transmog restrictions would ruin the immersion factor at all, but it ceased to be a relevant argument anyway once we got people running around in the Blizzcon yeti onesie or sprite darter pajamas. Just let players look the way they want to look, I say!
I think restrictions are good in the same sense that I think tier sets should have never vanished for BfA/most of SL.
Limited xmog options leads to wanting more/something different…which leads to trying new classes. Part of why I wanted to play pally in vanilla was the mog. In fact, that was my entire motivation back then for everything I chose.
Freedom is nice, there is no arguing against it. But looking like your class is also nice…in a different way.
I’ve always wondered why the devs have made some of the decisions that they have. In particular making plate armor look like cloth, or mail like leather etc. I would understand if it had been many expansions in and they did it (running out of ideas) but they did it from the very start. It isn’t a graphics limitation because there are some very plate looking sets out there.
And I’m on the fence with the request. I used to be outright against it, but now am more meh…
We should be able to transmog any piece of gear we can equip into any other piece of gear we can equip. Warlocks should not be able to transmog into plate. But, Balance Druid, for example, is Druid in name only in WoW, Blizzard have made them essentially a Priest/Priestess of the Moon, so we should at least be able to transmog them into appropriate cloth gear so we at least look like a priest, rather than be dressed in leather gear.
I don’t like the reasoning behind it anyway. If I were a fury warrior, a berserker type, I’d be wearing leather armor for mobility. If I were a mage, maybe I want some heavier armor in case enemies get in melee range.
Besides, there are plate casters all through the game, especially in Torghast and the Maw. Tis a silly rule.
Plus then I could just use my warrior to do all my mog runs and unlock everythiiing!
When you have Hunters wearing MAIL a heavy somewhat noisy and expensive to buy armor as default… there is no reason to say “muh immersion!”… Hunters should wear cloth or leather, and leather makes the most sense being a natural material that’s also weather resistant.
Shouldn’t fire Mages/Warlocks also be setting themselves on fire since they wear flammable cloth?
How so. All cosmetic armor are usually Cloth looking one or plate. Look at worgen Heritage its a dress or a cloth attire. How do you notice he is a warrior. Or for Iron Dwarf wearing plate How do you know he is a mage
I swear to god everytime I come on here I find a dumber idea. This has to be the dumbest I’ve seen in a while. A mage wearing plate sounds absolutely stupid. A warrior tanking wearing a cloth dress is even dumber. Please just stop