Please remove the time limit on Poisons

Same could be done for our healing vial as well. Blizz, give this person a job, STAT!


Weak aura for poisons. That’s all I do and I dig it.

What is annoying is the fact that all our poisons get removed every time we take a load screen. That is a pain, and need to be fix.


I like all of this.

I would also add that having common-rare reagents be acquirable from nearly any looting interaction in the world or instanced content would be great, but also make them available in bundles for gold in major cities with epic-legendary reagents needing to be somewhat farmed here and there. That way they could still be bought and sold on the AH and not just be a mandatory gold sink.

The common reagents would be best for the damage poisons as they would be common enough to not worry about most of the time.

Epic/legendary ones maybe could add some specific colors/animations for aesthetic changes. They would look cool, but not be mandatory to be able to play the class.

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That way they could still be bought and sold on the AH and not just be a mandatory gold sink.

you’re not thinking rogue’th-dimensionally.
we’d have an underground auction house accessible only by rogues, for rogues, designed for selling specialty weapons and reagents that only rogues have a use for (like all the daggers missing from the game atm…), as well as some fun flavour stuff sold by hidden rogue npcs all over the world. bring back that uncrowned insignia vibe with the rogue-class order hall.


i agree this would be a great quality of life improvement.

for those saying “its role play!”:

look around you at the rest of the game. can we not have a magically imbued poison or something?

furthermore, real life poisons don’t just last an hour, they can be very potent and long lasting.

it really makes no sense.

I DO NOT want to have some mini-game about poisons. It was terrible back when we HAD to have reagents to make poisons, OMG VANISH POWDER.
interesting idea, be great for role players, but for me, a HARD PASS.

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it would be kinda lame, i agree, to need to constantly go around gathering stuff just to use your abilities. so that wouldn’t happen.

the idea wouldn’t be to force players to spend time gathering reagents around the world in order to craft their poisons, but rather go out into the world and hunt for elusive and rare materials they only need to get once, and then to mess around with what they’ve found (or use a guide) to discover a whole list of new poisons and vials as if they were unlockable talents in their own poison/vial talent tree; you discover the ones you like, then put a limited amount of points in to select and improve them for full time use as if they were a regular ability, like how the poisons are now.

at least, that’s how i’d try to make it to begin with. but more mad science when testing out new recipes.