Please remove same faction battlegrounds

Is there actually a big uproar to nerf EMFH? Sure, there have been a couple threads, but mostly by veteran trolls. There’s not even enough activity there to keep one on the front page right now. If you compare it, to, say, people complaining about AV in vanilla or BG queue times earlier in TBC, they’re not even in the same ballpark.

how about …no

I did factionless pvp in eve for years. there you can mix it all up. Only die hard RP’ers do jsut one faction/race fleets.

most times your fleet is all the racial ships (and their bene’s) all in the mix really. It changes perspective.

“Git gud!”…gets redefined. as its all fun and games till one racial ships (in eve its more the the ship working a racial benefit than the player char itself) with some potentially imbalanced meta is used against you.

I knew exactly why player x was running one ship meta against me. Same reason I did when in that ship. Its damn good is why. almost Iwin really.

there entered some fun as well when both in the same ship and basically the same fit for them.

Now…we are both Iwin. lets see whose skill is better. as we are both going to be pulling the same tricks. Who is better at those tricks? Well let’s find out.

Overall balance doesn’t mean anything, the majority of people that queue bgs rolled horde. It’s not that alliance doesn’t queue, it’s that most pvpers are on the same faction.

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its both.

PVPers play horde, but there are plenty of enough alliance players to queue and balance it out.

They just refuse to do so.

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Yes but the majority of people that play this game don’t pvp. They wouldn’t queue if they played horde or alliance. More people played in classic because they were ranking for pve. Just like every phase we get bgs filled with tanks in tank specs that just wanna afk because they don’t actually want to be there.

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