Please remove faction restrictions

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tbh I’m all-in on removing faction restrictions.

Even if I weren’t a bleeding heart “no lore-based gameplay restrictions uwu” freak of science, I would still argue that the “WAR” in Warcraft stopped being relevant to the series ever since BFA & Shadowlands retconned all the major lore characters into either “spineless conflict-hating uwu hippie” or “baby-eating she-devil who needs to be broken into a spineless conflict-hating uwu hippie by the power of youth pastor.”

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If the Light becomes the next “big bad”, that could all change. :grinning:

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What’s even stupider is the fact that rares and world bosses and some mobs even are shared tag, yet Blizz still seems to restrict cross faction open world content, just mark all mobs in open world content as cross faction tag and lootable. Honestly should have been one of the first things to be opened for cross faction play.

As for queued content, that’s because little Timmy wouldn’t be able to opt out of being grouped with the opposite faction and he would have a meltdown.


I don’t care so much about dissolving factions as allowing player choice.

If dissolving factions is the only acceptable way to do that then I’m for it.

Otherwise I’m quite in favor of a defection system being enacted which enables characters to defect to the other faction regardless of their race. Ideally with a cooldown of a year, an expac, whatever imposed to prevent people switching willy nilly and encouraging people to instead think of where their friends are and make a choice they stick by. This should negate any complaints from players about having ‘invested’ in the factions but frankly I don’t think it’s necessary at this point.

I want to be able to play my blood elf paladin on Moon Guard in Stormwind because Horde is dead and all my friends on that server are Alliance. Conversely I do also have a human on WrA that I wouldn’t mind being able to interact with among Horde Players.

IMO for WoW’s overall health it should really move beyond the Horde-Alliance faction conflict. The devs have never really made it work on more than a transient and surface level. It’s given verbal service and acknowledgement but means nothing in the story and doesn’t really work for the type of MMORPG Blizzard has built not just in the past 8 years of questionable decisions but in most of the original full 18. Not saying there shouldn’t be a faction or division system of some sort, I think those add flavor and possibilities in story, mechanics, etc but it shouldn’t be Horde/Alliance. Invent something new players can opt into and change every now and again, something players choose further in than the character create screen or after an hour on a new character. Something in the flavor of trade alliances or class fantasy or something like that other than racialized lines.


Light always casts a Shadow.

Good thing it takes only five hours to get to max level.

don’t worry, they’ll play the gamble that is Crafting Orders soon enough and realize this game is scuffed and leave.