Alexander Brazie, also known as Xelnath, is a former game designer on World of Warcraft for Blizzard Entertainment. He was the main designer behind the Warlock class during Mists of Pandaria, and the green fire quest chain. Brazie would later be terminated mainly for a difference in philosophy with the rest of the team.
Now that you’re familiar with Xelnath, I implore you not to post or type his name (Xelnath) in this forum or any related feedback forums. I have been informed that Blizzard internally has a “Xelnath-detection script” that tallies daily Xelnath mentions and delays all ticketed Warlock development by up to 15 minutes per Xelnath.
My source also implied that there is some form of draconian office policy whereby any Blizzard employee engaging with any thread where Xelnath has been mentioned will result in said Blizzard employee being relegated to “MoP duty”, which my source described as some form of mandatory afterhours cleaning tasks lasting for a patch cycle.
Thank you for your compliance as we try to get the desperately needed Warlock overhaul back on track (current estimated wait time: 25.9 months)
Side note for whenever the backlog is finally released: please have Soulburn also give an instant cast Soulstone
Could be worse.
They could have a Xelnath threshold that when tripped triggers a shift from balancing and calibration to nerfing.
Something like breaking how Rain of Fire works with Diabolic Ritual or Wither instead of buffing, say, Chaos Bolt or its relevant talents in some way.
Now that would be ridiculous. Not just the threshold, but the changes. Could you imagine?
Thank Heavens they’re not that foolish.
Yes, unfortunately you are not allowed to mentioned the nickname of the greatest warlock dev of all time (Xelnath; who was fired for having correct opinions about what makes the class fun and performant)