I’m going to be honest are ret pallys just getting screwed from naxx gear? Literally every bonus is dogwater divine storm does 20% damage besides AOE I don’t use divine storm in my build,then holy wrath is instant and CD is my guess makes it instant with the 50% CD rune and 60% from tier bonus but cast it 3 times you’re oom, then the 6 pieces your exeocism and wrath does bonus damage based off your crit we have what bout 50% crit chance that’s terrible if it’s 1% more damage with exo per ,1% crit might as well keep judgement 4 set bonus not dropping seal saves a global and fast judgements , keep 4 set of AQ makes exo deal hella more damage and on top that shoulder enchant I’d just go 5 set ZG make exo only need 2 crits to complete reset instead 4 and deal 50% more damage so I’m excited for exo spam damage when I get my pieces I still need but unless the gear is just that juiced in stats which naxx gear was in classic ret pallys tier isn’t that great
I can only speak for the warrior tank set and honestly ALL of the t3 needs a rework because these bonuses are whack for most classes
I mean, if you make them ‘interesting’ then you force players to raid. And those already raiding, are then forced to raid on every alt, every week.
…unless I’m getting paid, I’m not turning this game into a job.
It comes down to the following
-Allow Draconic, Coreforged, AQ (Timeworn?) variants to exist.
-Alter/buff some of how T3 works
–I personally like the Holy Wrath aspect of this and if it’s removed I hope it ends up somewhere.
The complaints across the board are the 6pc and its limited interactions.
I think an idea that was passed around for ret was the following.
-2pc: Divine Storm now deals Holy Damage and benefits from Art of War.
-4pc: Divine Storm and Crusader Strike activate your seals effects.
-6pc: Divine Storm critical strikes refresh Divine Storms cooldown.
New Libram/Skill Book: Reduces mana cost of Holy Wrath by X and cast time by 100% and CD by 75%. Exorcism and Holy Wrath deal more damage vs Undead based on your crit chance.
This should be baseline. Divine Storm is really just Whirlwind that heals. It’s boring.
In fact, Paladin should be doing Radiant Damage on every melee attack.
Radiant Damage you ask? 50% Physical, 50% Holy; checked against Holy Resistance.
…Blizzard gave me half my wishlist when they made Crusader Strike do holy damage (couple months after I stated it should).
Also, 6pc should be “Divine Storm becomes Wake of Ashes”; WoA from Legion.
mage sets are dog excrement too tbh
My theory is that they don’t have any idea of how to balance the game at this point and they wanna force us to have Bad tier effects like era.
They Will need to nerf aq/ draconic for ret or no one Will use the tier 3.
Paladins are top crap tier without the draconic set or the coreforged 6th effects.
Honestly if they intro Ashbringer they can put it on that or super buff the Holy Wrath idea on there and/or still have the Libram concept and that.
However yes DS should have been Holy from the start and then the 2pc would have been 20% more damage and affected by AoW.
Or if DS was holy and AoW affected it naturally then you could go about it in the way of Radiant Strikes.
My thought is: put HW effect on a Libram or skill book. T3 themeatic to DS. And if Ashbringer comes in you could put the WoA/Blazefury mechanic on it and maybe that can be radiant strikes.
I’d only go for Holy Wrath if they reduced it’s range to 8yrds (the same as Consecraion’s ‘area of effect’).
…I have PTSD of HW pulling packs because one unit of the pack was juuust inside the 20yrd range.
I’m also not really a fan of Librams ‘as they are’. I really can’t see me dropping Plenty as I got it specifically because I was going OOM with CS only granting 5% mana. And this was running ‘of the Gorilla’ (STR/INT) Neck, Rings, and Cloak. So I had more ‘max mana’ than a standard Ret.
Musing: Man…I tell ya, it would have been really cool if they could have brought over TBC’s Socket System and allowed us to socket gems into our Librams/Idols/Totems (think that’s what Shaman’s ‘relics’ are called; been a hot minute since I played Shaman of yesterday).
Be real nice to have a Libram that had Plenty, Sanctity, and Wrath ‘on equips’ all rolled into one. Or mix’n match Wrath, Avenging, Plenty.
((What’s that you say? “Illutian, what Prot runs Crusader Strike!”. Well, my pink-named friend. I think Crusader Strike should be baseline again. - Yes. You heard right “again”. It use to be baseline along with another attack, Holy Strike.
“But what about the rune!” What if I told you the rune (current Crusader rune) should be an active ability from Legion, Avenging Crusader.))
Fair, capping it to 8 - 10 yrds would be a fair trade.
If they were to do things like that for Relics id be down, just like how they are putting that Pseudo Shoulder Enchant for tier bonuses.
The prot warrior set bonus is insane, wtf are you talking about
The absolute lowest denominator, bottom barrel raiders have such a weird brains.
So tell me how is having more life with a cd going to help me keep up with the dps when hp hasn’t been an issue at all for me.