Please redesign deathstalker mark

in pvp this hero tree is terrible. its not unplayable, but it adds a mini game to pvp and its frustrating. it is very annoying having to choose to envenom over a kidney shot, or garrote or any other global in pvp just to make sure mark doesnt fall off. I cant count how many games ive lost pressure because i need to choose to envenom over a kidney because i had like 6s left on mark.

redesign mark to apply to FIRST ambush OR mutilate coming out of stealth, nerf the mark damage and make it so marks are consumed for every DAMAGING finisher (CT/Rupture/Envenom). this will make it much simplier in pvp and pve, and you have to nerf the mark damage to compensate for this as i think being able to burn marks super fast will make the dam profile a lil op in pvp.

tldr; plz make this hero talent easier to play, you guys gave ww cc immunity to make it easier to play, we need a similar treatment


Blizzard doesn’t care. Rogue is being ignored this expansion. Here’s some more flat % damage buffs, so we can turn around and nerf you two weeks later and possibly gut one of your talents. Enjoy!

Mechanical bugs? Those don’t exist.


Couldn’t agree more on the idea of doing either Ambush or Mutilate.

I came into the forums to see if anyone was having issues with the shear number of things that knock you out of stealth before you can even ambush anything - especially in raid pull situations. And if you miss, then you’re screwed for a huge portion of the time.