Please reconsider your stance on retail/classic reward linking

Christ, you really don’t get it. How can you call Classic “authentic” and “no changes” if these pets aren’t in game?

And TCG is a legit question to bring up since people forget exactly when it was released, but that’s BC so those items don’t work in Classic.

You might want to read where a blue said TODAY that they’re considering it.

Those CE pets and Murky remain special–IN RETAIL. The CE was retail, NOT Classic. Murky was retail, NOT Classic.

They could easily offer a Classic CE, _for Classic only and that would only apply to Classic _, with the three original CE pets and Murky. Those pets would remain special IN RETAIL, but they would still be seen in Classic.


Ok so none of these pets in Classic? Then it’s not an “authentic experience”.


Either you make an exception for CE/Murky, or it’s another non-authentic change.

Or, you could have linked the rest of my post and not simply cherry picked what you felt would support your agenda.

Offer a CLASSIC ONLY CE that only grants those pets IN CLASSIC. This would actually BE authentic. The original CE applied to RETAIL. There could be a Classic CE that applies only to CLASSIC.

That leaves those pets special in RETAIL, but allows them to be seen in Classic. Unless your intent is simply to get that first toe in the door and set a precedent for linking accounts, or possibly to stroke your e-peen with those pets.

Yeah I didn’t quote that because I already suggested it two hours ago. It still doesn’t address Murky though.

Pretty sure 1st Blizzcon was after BC launch, no wait, BC launched in Jan 07? So yah the very tail end of Vanilla, 1st blizzcon was NOv(?) 06

Unless drastic improvements are made to BfA then Classic will be a huge hit until next expansion no matter what is done.

That’s not what the CM said. They said they would bring the request forward. CM’s don’t make design/development decisions for the game.


Do you mean this post?

While they did not say “NO” and said they would pass along the question to the devs, the overall tone of that post seems to be indicate that CE pets would not be linked between retail and Classic.

In fact, that post specifically mentions maybe reoffering those pets since classic is its own thing.


Murky was something that had to acquired in game , i don’t really see it the same as CE pets, you can make a case for CE pets since they are an account flag, wouldn’t bother me and I have all of them, except for OG Diablo 3 :O(

But I would rather support a new CE with new Classic versions of the OG pets because then they would likely have those be the digital extra for current as well.

Incorrect- the first Blizzcon was in 2005, during Vanilla. It previewed the new raid to be released (AQ40) as well as the Blood Elf starting area for the upcoming expansion (BC). I was there for it. :slight_smile: So yeah - I had my Murky during Vanilla.

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Yup, the CM literally said they haven’t even talked about it. I’m confident they won’t link the two games in any way like that. Just have a separate Classic CE. Add in a Classic Murky pet from 2019 Blizzcon. Kudos to anyone who makes the journey to get said pet. I’m not against exclusivity in the slightest. In fact, I’m all for it. But items should be exclusive to one game or the other, not both.

Sure your account has them on your one character in classic. Its shared to that character

The TCG loot cards were TBC items and I do not mention them to try to get them considered for being added to Classic, but I know the TCG loot items for which a code had to be redeemed in game were not account wide flags and only one character received those items.

If Murky was not account wide and only one character received Murky, then he should not even be considered, IMO.

If Murky was not an account wide flag, unlike the CE pets, then it would seem that Starman really is sliding that slippery slope he wants to claim does not exist.

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doh, yah 2005, my bad, yah i was saying that yes Murky was in Vanilla, just wasn’t remembering the year right, didnt’ google that, just the BC date,lol.

Yah, like I said, a case could be made for CE pets, but Murky was not account wide until collection tab as the code was only usable once, and it seems takes some doing to be used nowadays.

Blizzard has already said no to retail rewards for playing classic and thank God for that!


they said no to gaining something in Classic like transmog, CE digital goodies are not the same thing and is something that they already do now with their CE editions.

Because I can’t post an item for more then it’s inherent value or no one will buy it.
Transmog inflated that value.
And no. I don’t want them playing for the wrong reasons. I want them to play classic because they want classic.

Imagine if you will that your guild has been doing well and then the aq event has just ended. And you lose 1/4 of your guild.

Or you kill KT and get your main tank his final item and poof he’s gone and now we need to replace him.
We just traded a fully geared and experienced tank for someone with neither.

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Those sound EXACTLY like Vanilla experiences to me. Just saying. :slight_smile:

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