Please reconsider shoehorning specs into 0/1/2 pets

You don’t get 10% leech from ferocity friend

I am about 90% positive petless MM will be able to solo effectively seeing as how every other rdps can solo fine as well

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My mistake, I forgot this was nerfed.

Other RDPS were designed from the beginning around not having a pet, and their kit and stats reflect that. SV had major survivability issues when going melee due to having been designed around an ability to kite and stay out of range, rather than absorb/heal/dodge/etc the incoming damage. I would expect MM to have similar issues - MM has historically struggled with squishiness in M+ (though this was class wide to a certain extent, and it’s somewhat better now), and this is bringing that inherent glass cannon archetype into a context where there has traditionally been a pocket tank available at all times to soak damage.

Expecting MM will be fine out the gate is naive and overly optimistic, there will be some tuning adjustments required to keep MM at par with other specs defensively. The devs even say in their post that this is a first pass iteration and there will undoubtedly be changes.

Along with a huge amount of other ranged only specs .
It’s not like every other ranged spec is significantly tankier, plus kiting has been a large part of hunter kit, the difference is that people want to stand still and dps.

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mm is not designed around having a pet regarding their tankiness though?

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You have no proof of that. All I see is a half dozen spammy, loud people claiming that, while a lot of individual people do not want to lose their pets. 6 people posting hundreds of times are not 99 percent.

None of us have any proof of anything.

I Totally agree
i played hunter since Vanilla , My spec was actually based on survival ,with loads of traps and pets that could actually tank a bit , for pvp it was awesome as the traps really made a difference in WSGs and i was on a team that basically never lost and were runnin gto wards the full pvp gear … then the nerfing started of course messing up the specs as they do but it was still viable if yo knew how to play until Pandaria. i take a break and come back And now had to chose between BM where you basically use your pet for damage which i really hate the play style … the survival spec that now is melee and seriously FFS dumbest thing ever there are plenty of melee classes . So for those who liked playing the combination of a ranged shooter we were forced into the MM … Now MM always sucked as a solo toon so for solo play I always have my pet out and since i played since vanilla i know and have no problems using him efficiently … Now taking away my pet which I have tons and love having them … i know a lot of people go If you love pets go BM … I say to you F…XU its really simple to keep the pet aspect and fix the class so everyon can enjoy it , if not remove the stupid melee hunter and give me back my old survival spec with pet… Also MM was made for long range snipper shooter so honestly always lacked in solo play … I could care less for the M+ or raiders a lot of us like to enjoy the game … I hate BM play style and cant stand range play , dont change my hunter if you want to fix the shooter well just buff it up simply give th damn lust with no pet or attributes … hell in vanilla hunters were the best puller s of adds , and we would use our pets and long range on pulls … so thanks blizz for making everything pew pew with not real value to strategy and massive aoe , and making people just care about who has the highest dps even though they suck and die half the time … Whatever its always the same

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