PLEASE re-work Mythic reward system

Okay, this is starting to REALLLLLY piss me off…

You grind all week on mythics and you wake up Tuesday morning to open up your chest… countless hours spent trying to find a group, explaining the fights, rushing the last boss with 1:43 seconds left and you beat it… You just cleared a 10 and you are ready to get an upgrade…

Or are you?

If i get bracers one more F*%&ing time i am quitting WoW forever… I am sick and tired of grinding grinding grinding (as much as one can with a full time job) and still getting the same SH*% i got last week! PLEASE have a checkbox where you say “HEY I RECEIVED THIS” last time i don’t want the same crap. Maybe a monthly reset where you don’t get the same slot for 4 weeks in a row? This is why i unsubbed last time and i am about to do it again… This is beginning to be a meme and i am sick of getting the same 460 gear in the same slot after a week of grinding… Please, for the love of God and for the health of your game, fix this crap!