Thats just never gonna happen.
Why not? Itâs literally server variables.
Blizzard doesnt want it. Sc2 is a prime example.
Its not fair to OCE players. Why should OCE players who care about ping suffer this end?
The OCE players are asking for this because the OCE Arena pool is too small.
Some not all. Massive thread that opposed it.
If you mean when it first happened? People are fast changing opinion as participation drops off.
And people will change their mind fast again when they realize playing with 150 ping is miserable.
Itâs what OCE did in TBC anyway. It wasnât for multiple patches until they put a Sydney data server in. Something FFIV is now doing.
Hard Pass.
In the little time we had this, every bg I was in had 10000% more whining. Everyone was complaining about ping, and if we got 1% behind alliance for even 5 seconds, all the OCE players started whining about Americans ruining the game. Guys sounded like a Damo and Darren bit brought to life even in text chat.
The general consensus of this thread is to merge OCE-US West Arena only and for OCE players to look for matchmaking hosted on US West servers above a certain rating cutoff. There is no cross-team communication in arena.
But what about playable ogres?
We wernât prophets. The higher you climb the more dead the queue becomes.
Players often only side with their own experiences and needs. Itâs a more complicated issue than it appears between different players.
It should be reconsidered, regardless of what outcome a particular player would want on their own.
There can exist an outcome where lower rated players as well as those in battlegrounds, would rarely experience US ping if at all. Those waiting endlessly for higher rated queues will always likely choose a game with 150 ping compared to not being able to play at all.
I donât know exactly how feasible this could be as the US/OCE rated scene likely would have to be merged.
At any rate, itâs 100% worth discussing.
The system was already in place and was ported from retail.
If an oce team queues arena, it waits 2 minutes than goes looking for an NA team.
If an oce team matches into an NA team, it ALWAYS played on the NA data server.
This discussion is only showing that either (a) youâre a very average player AND only play at prime time, so you only experienced playing against your own region.
Or (b) you donât play arena at all, and in that case, why are you even commenting?
Thats why the OP just asked for a remerge and didnât try to theorise complex systems - he actually plays the game and knows the infrastructure is already built and WAS implemented before the forum brigading to have us splintered.
I do not particularly really like this player in game however he is correct about this point, merge only really matters for arenas. He is also correct when he says his guildmate dustywood is an idiot troll.
(battleground gearing does impact player pool etc and would be better for overall health of arena scene if that was changed + balanced but thats another issue)
ur being cringe, stop talking in an arena thread if
- you never played on original oce servers with na ping
- never played oce servers with oce ping
- never played arena at high rating vs americans
- never queued arena in tbc
- never queued arena in tbc at high rating
it already does happen on retail
yes, low rated players do not get as much of a benefit from this change, but the majority of them are not competetive pvpers, more just casuals. MMR is a bell curve so the population in the middle is vastly higher, meaning that a mmr - based merging system would be more satisfying. Probably too much effort for blizzard though, but with some preferential searching there should be very few complaints.
I meaaaan you are 1500 rating no offense.
Werenât you that guy that got extremely upset during the Christmas Alterac Valley matches when you were snowballed off the bridge and died to fall damage? You had a mega mega tantrum, exploding my whispers at the time with threats and abuse, so itâs rich hearing you call others cringe when you had a full on meltdown over snowballs in Alterac Valley lmfao
Bumping this again
Zero oce teams in top 50 in 3/2s because the brackets are so dead and our inflation canât keep up with US currently
Arena will be completely dead in a few weeks
5s has one good night of queues a week because most of the high teams try to queue the same night for good queues.
Outside of that, that bracket is dead too.
No one cares about arenas, its dead. If you want a higher ping and more teams, transfer to NA.
So what DO you care about then ?
play on a na server