You are LITERALLY 54 out of the 241 replies whining about not wanting to be merged with NA. You don’t even participate in the activity. So why are so you against it?
Bruh, server transfer if it’s such a big deal, right now as it stands Blizzard themselves confirmed as I quoted above that this is only a 1 Season only deal, until then they will release information about the Second Season and how it’ll be handled at a later point of time.
Stop being an impatient child, whining about such petty matters when you have the solution at hand already available. Transfer, or wait - whining on the forums isn’t gonna help.
Dusty , you’re not even reading the posts you’re using to try and make a point. Do what you said you were gonna do 50 posts ago and stop posting.
whining on the forums is literally why the merge got reverted haha yeah doesn’t work ever amirite?
Why so mad Nighteyes? Do you even play arena lol
The merge got reverted by whining, yes, and the revert message is what I posted above, that it’ll be looked into after the first season comes to an end. Why can’t you just wait until the end of the season? As I said, if you’re that impatient, transfer.
not sure why you’re so invested in this when you dont seem to arena yourself as far as i can tell?
Probably because I’m getting constant notifications even after I stopped posting initially with people responding to me, after a while it’s good manners to reply to people y’know
Cheers for the post count boost
you can turn that off yeh… just click the dropdown where it says “Tracking”
I prefer replying to people, like this post here.
Edit: Be thankful for the free bumps for a thread that’s not going to result in anything
“Why you mad?” You’re actually being even more cringe. If you arena’d at all (why are you even participating in this discussion?) you’d already know the answer to that.
Have you even bothered to read the beginning of the thread? This was a discussion, until the OP and a few other Titan boiz got caught up in their own echo chamber rather than looking at the alternative picture.
As I’ve been saying since the start, if Blizzard can implement US West only changes, then it could be considered tolerable. US East / Central not so much.
Season 1 hasn’t even ended yet, and changes are going to be made after it.
If you want to do Arena before the end of Season 1 without queue problems, maybe go transfer to a NA server - this thread isn’t going to result in anything lmao
The post dated 29 May that you quoted literally says Blizzard will review in a “few weeks” and there be an update in the “weeks to come”.
If you’re not going to even read the posts you’re quoting, nor have any interest in participating in the activity being discussed in the topic, just leave the thread.
Is this your first time on the forums, Nighteyes? Welcome to an open forum, where everyone’s entitled to post their opinions. I’m sorry you disagree, but try not to get too emotional or caught up on other people’s opinions.
You guys are literally all going around in circles, now - I’ll sit here and wait as 3-4 of you will post in response and then complain once I reply to one of you. A cycle!
yeah end of season 1 was never mentioned by blizzard it was “first few weeks” of the season. Dusty likes to just make stuff up apparently even when he quotes blizzard saying first few weeks haha
Disagree with what? You literally quoted a Blizzard post and misrepresented the information. There’s no disagreement there, you’re just wrong.
Once again, being cringe.
Transfer to NA if you want better queues*
I earlier advocated for oce only bgs / arena and I am now of the view that was a mistake.
It is too hard to queue arena at present and there is little variety. I expect this will only get worse as time goes on.
We probably do need to be remerged with NA to keep this going. A system whereby oce bgs and arenas are prioritised against each other (for ping purpose) and then if they can’t be easily found NA becomes an option would be the best system to resolve the issue.
This is spot on. We won’t have many if any oce glads unless we re-merge.
In the past i was against unmerging oce and us for both bg and arenas and in the process found that tidy was indeed a cuck.
I can now see that i was correct in that tidy was indeed a cuck.
We’re going in circles? Says the guy incapable of going a post without telling people to transfer to NA. You LITERALLY do not participate in the content. Why are you personally so against a merge?