Please RE-Merge OCE+US

Transfer to NA if you want better queues*

I earlier advocated for oce only bgs / arena and I am now of the view that was a mistake.

It is too hard to queue arena at present and there is little variety. I expect this will only get worse as time goes on.

We probably do need to be remerged with NA to keep this going. A system whereby oce bgs and arenas are prioritised against each other (for ping purpose) and then if they can’t be easily found NA becomes an option would be the best system to resolve the issue.


This is spot on. We won’t have many if any oce glads unless we re-merge.


In the past i was against unmerging oce and us for both bg and arenas and in the process found that tidy was indeed a cuck.
I can now see that i was correct in that tidy was indeed a cuck.

We’re going in circles? Says the guy incapable of going a post without telling people to transfer to NA. You LITERALLY do not participate in the content. Why are you personally so against a merge?

Yeah, we’re going in circles, it was all quiet on my front until you once again respond to me seeking my attention.

In fact, if anyone’s going in circles, it’s you, you already tried being the OP of the exact same nature of a Thread 22 days ago, and guess what - nothing happened.

Wait until the end of the season, or transfer to NA

Heck, maybe you should give your old post a bump

Edit: Doesn’t look like your post was very popular on that topic either, no wonder you’re upset responding to everything I write at every turn.

You’ve been stewin’ over this matter for literally weeks

hmm its almost like the problem is getting worse and more people are agreeing and making posts about it?

edit: you’d know this if you actually participated in what we are talking about

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To be honest, looks like the same people complaining in multiple threads, aka this Fatflufybird fella - he’s been ranting in every thread possible about it.

Good luck on your crusade, but unless your name is “Andycloud”, I can’t see Blizzard taking immediate action based off multiple small scale threads where the support is shared between a small minority of angry folks that get upset when presented with an alternative view on an open forum.

I welcome anyone else’s viewpoint if its constructive that’s the whole point of a discussion.

Well, in that case, are you willing to promote your desire for this change with the exception that US East / Central are not included? Because the difference between US West / East is night and day literally

never said I was against that

There have been a few different people that have posted opinions in that realm.

I would appreciate a more retail-like queue system in which it prioritizes aus vs aus matchups, and you also do not get USE arena games.

It’s just the problem with these types of threads is that there’s no specification on what servers we want included or excluded, it’s just a blanket request for OCE-NA merger, but US East is too harsh on some people’s connections, especially people on the East Coast.

We know from experience already that Blizzard skim-reads threads, that’s how Andycloud became infamous on the forums. Really need to be specific.

I might be mistaken on this one, but I suspect if they did consider OCE-NA-West, it could potentially have a negative impact on the US East player base, which is another whole ball game all together.

There is a lot more at stake than just the Oceanic player base with a move like this

please dont do this

I think same faction BGs needs to be introduced ASAP and then watch this space for one month before we re-merge with US West.

At the moment, player participation is way down because of the ridiculously long Horde queues. Bringing same faction BGs back in will increase the number of players/alts in the ladder which should increase participation.

At the moment you can basically count 5s out completely.

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You would need to see a pretty vast change in the player base in order to make queues okay.
If there are three teams total in Australia queueing in a peak time then we’d need to see like 5x the participation to make it viable at different ratings.

Queues are getting worse as the season goes on not better.

So far the people crying out against merging are people who have not been queueing arena which is interesting.

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For me personally, haven’t queued in 2 weeks both Arena and BG’s. The honor isn’t correct to the original TBC standards, the Horde queues are horrendous (despite a direct fix being available at hand), upon hitting 70 and facing 4+ hour queues for Eye of the Storm - it’s a double whammy of negatives.

They’re using the wrong Honor values from the first time around, so the gear grind is absolutely boring and a time sink, whilst facing queues on top while Blizzard ponders around doing nothing to address it and remaining extremely quiet on the issue.

I agree, it’s hard to find motivation right now to do Arena with all these other problems that are running rampart, no longer can afford to give Blizzard all my free time sitting in damn queues, for a blue across 2-3 days of grinding with other commitments and responsibilities.

I’m on this side of the fence, there’s other more important issues that need addressing, and I think we have plenty of time left in the first Season before they move onto what they’re next planning (which we never know as Blizzard are the opposite of transparent)

I know the whole suggestion of “just server transfer to NA” seems a bit cliché, and unnecessary to some, but at least for those people that do have the time available to absolutely sink their life into BG queues and following it up with Arena - you have a literal option to overcome this problem with a transfer if it really comes to it.

Until the other problems that don’t have immediate solutions at hand have been resolved, I don’t see Arena growing on Oceania anytime soon - I think people were a little naive to assume they could jump straight into Arena queues the moment they’re 70.

Many people are still trotting along slowly are sorting out their characters, their alts, quests, epic flying, Heroic attunements / Pre-Raid BIS farming. A lot of stuff to do in a small window of time, Arena is currently people’s second priority I would imagine. Well, for me at least, PvE is coming first for the first month or two of being 70 for me.

Out of all the chatter above, and I know you mentioned this earlier, this is probably the healthiest suggestion towards this topic. I would welcome this particular suggestion with open arms, assuming it still gives the system a chance to locate OCE players in a fair time frame without queuing for 1m and being thrown into NA

It’s week 4 of s1, wait till the player base expands with alts and gearing of toons hopefully same faction bgs will be implemented soon.

Pvp is a huge turn off with the hour long q’s, along with the fact you need to get attuned to do the current raid tier. People aren’t quing because pvp is not even a thought they need to get attuned asap to not miss the week’s lockout.

Plus the teams are limiting people quing. Unless you have a 5s your quing with every week getting points from no one is team hopping.

I’ve asked alot of people to to q but declined due to the the whole team situation.

Once gear/points is not so much a factor q’s will get better.

Suck it up this season, I don’t want to go back to pvping on 180-230ms we’ve all qued that for too long we’ve all lost multiple games due to the general ms e.g melee range and getting kicked even though you’ve faked and are no longer casting,make an informed decision, stop having a sook because you can’t be instantly gratified with a insta pop. Go do things in between the q’s in game and real life.

If it gets to the end of the season and there is a decline in participation we will probably need to merge.

As it is on live if the leader q’s from oce for the first 2 mins of the q it will look for oce only games I hope it will continue to be the same.

Most people will be looking at East Coast around 210-230 ms and West Coast 170-180ms good luck if your a melee on East.

And for the people who think that bliz won’t hand out oce only titles at the end of the season if we’re still our own battlegroup you are beyond dumb. Or you’ve never been high rated and want further participation with the merge so you can get your first glad.

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1000000% agree with OP.

Anyone who actually Q’s arena on a daily basis knows there is no other solution. Especially anyone that is 2k+.

Keep BGs Oce only with the same faction Q’s and adopt retail system for arena.

Nobody loses with this. Please stop trying to ruin arena for people that actually sit the 10 minute Q’s when the majority of people advocating against it I’ve never even seen in arena (and at this point I reckon I’ve seen nearly everyone’s names - it’s that bad)

Transferring is the only other solution and that ruins the game for people that also have guilds, friends etc that they enjoy the game with outside of arena.


Why would that be an issue for us? Unless they’re on our team, it’s free arena rating.