Please put the Brutosaur AH/Mailbox mount back in the store sometime

I returned to the game recently, but sadly it was just after the mount was removed. I’d love the opportunity to buy it at some point.


What good is FOMO without the FOMO?

If you really wanted the mount, Blizzard wants you to stay subbed… you know… FOMO.

Im sure it will return in 5 to 10 years… otherwise nobody will learn the intended lesson to stay subbed.


No. The mount shouldn’t ever have been put onto the store as it broke several precedences and is one of the few times when they have actually sold something akin to player power. In this case it was merely an extreme level of convenience and not outright player power, but this is at best toeing the line at this point.

So no, the mount shouldn’t ever have been made available in the store.

This has nothing to do with FOMO. You saying it has to do with that is literally you causing FOMO for others.
Quit using terminology you don’t understand.

I’m sure they will. They made a bunch of money off it and with Blizzard only caring about nickel/diming gamers instead of quality content, they’ll probably recolor it, rename it, and release it in the not-so-distant future.


Bro what? You sound like the same guy who cried about the first repair mount. Like. Who cares it doesnt raise stats doesnt say you win better gear. Its nothing more then a 90 auction house and mailbox toy. Like get over it and stop crying about anything you cant afford.


:crossed_fingers: I hope they are listening!

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Given how much moolah, yeah basically a guarantee.

Tho the precedent of a 5 year gap…. I hope it’s not that long.

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Will prop be a re-color or they will make it a different store mount in the future like the bear mount


But I can afford it, lol?

I just wasn’t active on the game at the time and didn’t know about it. If i had known, I would have bought it. The money is not an issue for me.

Hell, I’d pay double the price right now. Triple.


An AH and a mailbox are being compared to “player power” now?

If you’re up in arms about this, then why aren’t you also crusading against level boosts, which actually do change player power?

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It will be back you can be sure about it. The 90dolla mount I mean. The older brutosaur not so sure

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It’s gonna come back to boost up the stocks at some point.

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That wasnt a reply to you it was a reply to the troll friend

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instead of returning they will probably make it unobtainable like the bfa one and just add a new one for $270 that has mailbox, auction house, bank, guild bank, repair, transmog, personal portal, and adoring fan


I’d like to see one with none of the Ah or bank or anything. Just a simple saddle. Put it in the trading post like that.

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The BFA one actually is still technically attainable sometimes throught the BMAH, but it’s run up to the max 10mil gold almost immediately when it is

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This is the only question. It is only good to blizzard as it incentivizes behavior that drives their dollar bucks up.

Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.

It’ll probably come back for the holiday season to make the end of the year numbers look good. They made $15M in mounts last time. I’m sure they are just as anxious to reskin it and make another $15M.


I would be very surprised if it didn’t return to the shop at some point. They made a lot of money the first time around. Might not make quite as much the second time, but it costs them next to nothing to put it back up for sale.

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Laughs maniacally , the powah, rubs hands, " next we will have Saran wrap!"

Pictures the Scene in Time Bandits when Evil and his minions are standing over the cauldron.