brother I am forced to sweat relentlessly to get a single round against hpals who appear to be severely limited by their physical and/or mental capacities, it was almost definitely not without extreme effort (especially since I usually queue shuff after severely impairing my own)
unless it was another poop healer of course, or a disc which holy thankfully does okay into
Can you please not forget WW Monk. Beside that Shadopan is bugged (proc mechanism needs a rework) it is barely better than DH and DK as you can see there:
Missing burst and/or toolkit in the stun direction. It is like a fury warrior, just with half of the pressure. Another evidence is the PvE ranking, as most multipliers are nerfed in PvP too:
I would not disagree with a WW buff, but the main issue for WW is the meta itself. Having to face Holy paladin, Hunter and Mage every game is a full counter in itself.
Conduit build is generally better, but the weird thing about Windwalker this season is that Rising Sun Kick hits for nothing (around 500k) and Fists of Fury also hit for nothing. They somehow made it so that your fillers / generators do more damage than your spenders, which sounds absurd but is the current design. They can flip the numbers around.
This is comparable to Incinerate doing more dmg than Chaos bolt, Overpower doing more damage than Mortal strike, etc.
A good WW buff would be:
RSK gets 10-15%
Fists gets 10-15%
Clash CD reduced in PvP to match Leg Sweep CD
Speaking this from the perspective of somebody who attempted to reroll WW from DH this season, and basically only peaked to around 2300 in Shuffle. Then I got a bunch of Hpala - Mage lobbies, and I quickly went downhill to 2100.
Also Windwalker in Shuffle specifically has a hidden passive which makes your teammates die with CDs available more than other classes and your healer is allergic to dispelling you
I think a good rework would be to buff general damage, as the design was change to no longer be very bursty but to have solid sustained. The issue here is, that the sustained is simply not good enough to pressure someone.
Even when you use your cooldowns well to generate the most uptime, you don’t get anything done with your uptime, since you are hitting like a wet noodle. Based on the class design and its missing burst/CC/peel, a ww would need to do more damage than basically most (all?) other melees, but the reality is, that your damage is average at best, pretty much comparable with the other melees.
We can’t hope that they turn around the design again, so we need to hope they make overall damage good enough, to do well. Like already mentioned: WW is bottom tier in PvE AND PvP. Only reason can be, that they overnerfed him on the beta.