Please pay more attention to PVP rewards. virtually no incentive

Rank 13 set is basically a joke if you can just go raid and get a superior set with better effects. Consider maybe adding a molten option to the pvp sets with some conditions required… or give set bonus effects that can compete with the much superior set bonuses from t1 and t2.


R13 gear needs a GIGANTIC buff

Bumping for exposure.

pvp is dead -

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reals for ab and wsg marks. thatll be the play.

Its dead cause theres no incentive to do BGs, open world pvp is alive and well.

AV is trash, you defend you end up with a ban lol cause npc players need to rush vann/drek

WSG/AB - Theres no games going cause AV is meta honor/h

Incentivise players to do BGs and make PVP gear actually BiS for pvp instead of having to claw your way through weeks of MC/BWL to get a decent weapon to clown with.

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they need to add a new rep vendor that accepts marks from wsg/ab/av maybe and its the only way u can gain rep but with new rewards.

I think there also needs to be an actual USE for BG marks or they need to give tarnished reals for BG completion or something. NO ONE is playing BG’s anymore with the exception of AV (the pve BG)

They will just continue to ignore you but you do have a voice and it’s called your wallet, USE IT!

When Microsoft does their quarterly meetings they have to break down all the numbers in all the businesses they own to their shareholders… Part of that is subscription numbers vs things like Cap X. Those investors start hearing things they don’t like like subscription numbers dropping etc then they will start putting pressure on Microsoft to fix or even dump Blizzard, it happens all the time. Ask Advanced Auto Parts who forced them to sell WorldPac.

Blizzard is already on a short leash. Graphic Designers have been canned and replaced by AI and they have had that Survival Game they were working so hard on dumped in a trash can as well by Microsoft. When their shareholders start digging into the books and wondering why Blizzard is losing subscriptions numbers, trust me they won’t be able to ignore those people when they start asking questions…

SoD team has literally responded to me and even gave results to my feedback multiple times, so no.

Thats because nobody at blizzard had any buisness developing a game right now. Look at retail as an example.

They can’t even get classic remotely right. Killed world pvp and the pvp gear is so atrociously bad its almost like they do it on purpose