Please offer transfers from Crusader Strike to another RP-PVP realm

Just joined a Gnomer pug on Crusader Strike, with a mixtures of 40s and 50s. We blasted through the raid and then wiped once on Thermaplugg phase 2 from the instant raid wipe mechanic (I guess our 2 Priest healers didn’t dispel). 1 person immediately left, followed by another, and another, and then the group just disbanded. Someone could have used the necklace… what a waste. And all because of 1 wipe on the last boss?

Thanks for killing off Chaos Bolt, Blizzard.

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Last boss is lame cancer, I don’t blame them. It has literally kill walls spawn out of the side of the arena, it’s bad.

Free transfers to and from every server and remove faction based restrictions should be implemented and left on permanently.

whats wrong with your life that makes you want to comment this,
we all know you dont actually believe it or care.

Whats wrong with you lmao.

Sounds like the average pug in WOW in general.

People don’t wanna go through the growing pains of a group and always have a negative outlook on the game and it’s community.

It’s way more common on this realm though.

It’s just as common everywhere else, you just don’t see it because you don’t play there.

I’ll probably take this Xfer since the only reason I rolled here was to play with my Retail friends and they don’t even play anymore. Two of them do, but never when I’m online, there’s just no point being on this server anymore.

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That’s odd.

I’m on Crusader Strike and I haven’t had any problems at all.

Do you raid log? Never dealt with members of ?

I’m on Crusader Strike and the people are really nice. Last week someone there named Devoxqt helped my grandmom cross the street and carried her groceries home for her. Then they saved a kitten that was stuck in a tree. It was a good day.

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It will be just like Whitemane server for Classic. We will probably ALL end up on Crusader Strike.

Too late. They killed the only other RP-PvP realm by suffocating it. They essentially gave us (Chaos Bolt RP-PvPers) no alternative other than to come to Crusader Strike (RP-PvP) or Lava Lash (RP). There were multiple threads about this.

They should have opened up free xfers from Crusader Strike to Chaos Bolt. We weren’t a dead realm (unless you wanted to play at weird hours) but instead they locked the realm and opened free xfers off of CB to CS (backwards as hell). Later they gave CB the option to also go to Lava Lash but lmao.

CS was the only option for RP-PvP and damn it’s a massive difference in culture. There is no chill. There’s so many people that no one cares about being rude or not. General puggable things (quests, dungeons) are pretty toxic most of the time in my experience. There is seemingly no RP either and so many layers/people that I won’t remember anyone’s name. A stark contrast to the enjoyable time I had on Chaos Bolt.

At least I have my guild.


Its not much, but its honest work.

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There are some RP events that I’ve seen (especially if you check the server discord). But yeah, it’s mostly big on the PVP and low on the RP.

Never have I not enjoyed getting an angry whisper from a lvl 1.

I’ve actually had some decent conversations about pvp with folks that way.

Reminds of AB when it’s like 100 Alliance to 110 Horde. There’s always that one guy who immediately starts in with the “WE’VE LOST U GUYS ARE THE WORST PVPERS I’VE EVEN SEEN THANKS FOR NOTHING IDIOTS” before afk’ing


I know Alliance on CS Can’t pvp unless they outnumber us but this is hilarious. How embarrassing

We had another rppvp server and blizzard killed it, despite nothing being wrong with the server.

Welcome to the age of the megaserver ig

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And then you go on to win anyway

That’s the best

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