Please, NO paragon mounts

4 mounts have been datamined to come from troves of each goblin faction. It is highly implied these are paragon boxes.

In Legion, people told you they hated Paragons.
In BFA, people still hated Paragons.
In SL, people despised Paragons.
In DF, we were finally rid of cosmetic rewards from Paragons.

Nobody ever liked it…


I always like them. We keep gaining rep anyway, so may as well have a shot at something nice.

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If you dont like something dont do it.

If you only doing things for the end reward and you dislike the process you doing something wrong.

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I actually like paragon rewards, especially the mounts. I have all of them. It’s not obligatory but it gives me a reason to still do the content. I don’t understand why anyone would feel so negatively about paragon rewards.

Beats getting 200g from a renown box.

I never even got any mounts from those chests and I lost count of how many I did. I definitely dislike it.


No paragon mounts. Good lord NO RNG mounts from rep!


Because some of us have terrible luck and you can grind and grind and grind for months and NEVER get the mount, where is some one who doesn’t care can open their very first one and get the mount.

RNG of this type doesn’t make the mount feel like a reward. It makes it a ‘oh thank god I don’t have to do this content that I now hate any more’.

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All of the Legion and the BFA paragon mounts had bad luck protection added retroactively a few years ago. The patch they did it, I went and opened a paragon box for each and got all of them in the first try. (I apparently opened so many Army of the Light in Legion that when I opened my first one after the BLP was added, I got all 3 mounts at once lol)

I think the BFA one took me 2 or 3 paragon chests more, but that was more I didn’t open many during BFA cause I burned myself out on Nazjatar doing 2 toons fully every day there. Lol.

The Zereth Mortis schematic however, did not. There’s people still farming for the mount schematic there.

That said, the OP is misinterpreting - wowhead even explains it if you read the article.

The chests that the mounts come from aren’t paragon chests. They’re effectively the same as the General, the Weaver, and the Vizier’s chests, the ones you get once a week from their weekly quest, when you ally with them (you choose one cartel to ally with a week too). There’s even other sources for the General/Vizier/Weaver chests like the special assignments, so I assume there will be more than just the weekly quest for the cartels too.

So these are effectively like the Lynx Mount or the Awakening the Machine mount - weekly quest rewards, not paragon rewards.

Paragon rewards are excruciating, since its entirely RNG based.

If you don’t get this expansion, sucks to be you, there are paragon mounts from Legion that i still didn’t got, but i took the defeat


I’ve been mount collecting since 2008 and there are still so many RNG ones I don’t have. It took me years to get some of the paragon cache mounts. I’m not that, ‘lucky, dropped in the first bag’ player, not ever. I still don’t mind doing them though. It’s usually at the tail end of an expansion where I’m going for caches to bulk up my gold for the next xpac so, I’d be doing the content anyway.

Not sure I will like them in this renown setup but I never minded those originally. As long as they make renown fast it is no problem but if they make it take months to hit max renown they might as well not since no one will want to play that content longer than they have to.