Levels are the only thing that have let us progress through expansions, they’re the only thing that have stuck with us this whole time
There’s no sane reason to do this and all you’re doing is making it harder to add more/back stuff in the future since giving us 2 abilities/rewards/talent points a level seems strange
You’re creating a new issue with this that you didnt have before
The change is purely cosmetic, and if you don’t like the lack of rewards the solution is to add more rewards. Reducing the number of levels is a cop out
I can see you’re just posting what you want to post or what you think I’m saying without actually reading anything.
You must discuss politics a lot on social media.
Yeah and it had a lot of pointless stuff in it. Oh, 2% more damage, how interesting! LK was years ago, can you imagine if they listened to you and they kept at it all the way to bfa?
Me too, along with the feeling of progression that we had along the way (like Vanilla had)
I think it will be a great opportunity to revamp how the talents/abilities etc work too. Also, allowing even more freedom on where we level. The recent zone scaling was a good step, but I would love it to go further.
What lol? I literally never argue politics anywhere nevermind social media.
I’m just saying your point is irrelevant. I did read what you said, it still doesn’t matter. Especially when we already have lost an absolutely massive amount of talents and abilities already as the level cap has gone up. We haven’t “gained” anything in multiple expansions already, how is lowering the level cap going to change anything.
Fwiw I’m not really strongly on either side of this debate, I just don’t think it matters or changes anything at all whether we’re level 60 or 130. We have so few abilities and options now compared to vanilla/tbc/wotlk (when the level cap was 60/70/80) that they could chop our levels in half now and we’d still gain less leveling up in terms of new abilities/talents than we did then
hahaha yeah if they did that people might just have to think about what they’re doing, oh man, imagine how horrible this game would be if you could actually feel your power progression as you level, oh man, imagine how absolutely awful it would be if you actually had to talk to experienced players in order to get a proper grasp [rather than a warlock stacking boe gear with stamina on it] on the game, imagine how absolutely horrible that would be, having a MMO where people have to communicate to improve.
I wish the boars would get even harder, they didn’t go far enough imo.
I want to level in the orginal zones for say 40 levels, then be able to go right to Legion or MoP or WoD and level there for the next 20. Or up to 30 in the original zones then choose 1 or 2 expansions to level in.
Scaling is the key to keeping it from being stupid boring. I would rather not just afk my way to victory, it would be nice if I had to actually use abilities to succeed.
You will still be able to go back to these zones after max level and crush everything. The end game scales with you right now, you get better gear, you do harder content.
Levelling before scaling was horrible compared to what it is now, but I think can go further.
Please do a level squish. Remove all the levels that don’t actually give us anything, and do not increase the experience required to level from one to the next. There’s no reason to have 120+ levels to grind through before the game “begins,” especially when so many of those levels do not reward the player with anything that really makes the level-up feel significant.
A level squish would allow each new level to feel significant, and would significantly reduce the time needed to level (as long as Blizz doesn’t increase the xp to level to compensate).
It’s also a lot easier to tell a new player, returning player, or player levelling an alt that they only need to level to 60-80 instead of 120+ in order to get to the relevant content of the game, and as more expansions come out, that latter number is only going to become more daunting.
The squish is a way to address the problem of how empty the leveling experience is right now. Sure there’s 120 levels, but why do they need to exist? Most do absolutely nothing. It’s just air. Your only sense of progression is the number goes up by one.
A squish isn’t just cosmetic and reducing numbers like a stat squish, it also lets them revamp the leveling experience as a whole. Talents, scaling, exp/ability gains might also be changed up too. They can’t just add more stuff right now because there’s way too many levels to do anything meaningful with all of them.
It can make leveling more fun and appealing for both new and old players. The only thing you really lose is your level number drops a bit. But the world gets lowered too so you aren’t getting weaker.