Please nerf LFR N'Zoth (again)

Its an easier boss on normal with a bunch of not so muppet players

Well, my server is dead. There’s only one actual good guild, they don’t recruit - all they do is sell runs and on principal I’ve never paid for anything like that. There’s only a couple of raiding guilds - they have to pug people every week. Most of the actual “progress” is done in pugs from the community tab and they try to compel the people who can raid into server transferring. Are you suggesting I should spend real life money to move to a new server when the express purpose LFR was created for was to allow people who don’t have the time investment to do real raiding to see the content? That’s insane.

Yeah… if they don’t nerf LFR to be idiot proof I’m going to have to try to pug normal. I don’t understand why this ONE fight is impossible for noobs.

Have you considered faction changing to horde and a new realm or moving to high pop stormrage. $55 seems worth it if it saves you a lot of frustration.

That’s a bummer. I feel for you guys stuck on a non-active realm.

I have moved from realm to realm over the course of expansions, my old alliance guild back in Cata that died with the expansion was also on a realm that alliance left entirely.

Uh, I wasn’t even talking to you? You butted in in our conversation, so no, I’m not talking about you… or LFR. I was adressing HIM that lack of time isn’t the issue for not being able to raid, just TIMING.

That was quite the mess even weeks/months after release in LFR.

It’s like Blizzard doesn’t remember or learn from past examples.
Too many mechanics in LFR never works and they always end up applying like 20 nerfs after the fact.

I have a brother I play with and his wife. They are obsessed with alts and would never faction xfer. And frankly after 15 years I have a lot of animosity built up towards the horde, even if they have ALWAYS been better on paper than alliance.

Because there are mechanics that need to be done by the majority instead of 2-3 people carrying any mechanics.
Thats all there is to it

I am seriously having flashbacks to Legion with the Council of Shivarra… that fight revolved entirely around it’s mechanics and they couldn’t even really nerf it because it was SO straight forward… how hard is it to drop CC? They even reintroduced that mechanic for Heroic Prophet Skitra.

Oh no not those big scary raid mechanics. How will LFR heroes handle such a thing. Maybe its time to make a forum post about how youre unsubbing


Wow so working a full time job makes it so you can’t do normal ny’alotha? Where’s that part in some people’s job duties?

Learn to play the game for once, keep this un-nerfed.


Some people work jobs where they aren’t available to raid consistent days or during the prime time of gaming. Seriously, why do you THINK LFR was created? You do realize the gear that you can get is literally the worst of the patch it’s in, right? That you get better gear just doing emissaries and other events? It’s not meant to be a way to develop your character. It’s meant to be a way to grab transmog and to see the content if you have a schedule that precludes you from raiding. Their literal, stated reason for creating LFR back in MOP was because some (most) people can’t dedicate the time to raiding (not even a skill argument) and they spend 90% of their time making this content and it’s ridiculous that only a percentage of the base gets to see it. Like I said, I don’t NEED anything from it - I just want to see the end of the expansion. I am literally being held back by the fact that other people are going in there and don’t care about the game. That’s just wrong.

Wow, it’s almost like pugs are going on 24 hours of the day 7 days a week and people did it just fine pre-LFR!

For an accessible but easier way to get into raiding, not a kiddy ride. If i remember correctly.

This is a problem.


And just so you’re aware, I spent several years doing active, progression raiding (with some of the most toxic players you can imagine) doing heroics and achievement runs because I had the TIME. I no longer have that time, but this is my HOBBY and I pay for it. I want to be able to see the content that is made available to someone with my limitations of time (LFR). The fact they designed a fight that 5 or 6 people can cause you to fail on 100% of the time is absurd. Those 5 or 6 people should be able to die and the rest of the raid be carried by the people who are geared/skilled enough, just like every other fight in LFR Ny’alotha.

You’re wrong about why LFR was created. I specifically stated the reasoning the devs gave for making it. They were frustrated most of the player base never saw their raiding content or kill the last boss of an expansion. It was something that haunted them from Naxxramus back in Vanilla where only something like 1% of players ever killed Kel’thuzad. If they’re going to put out relatively little content per patch with the main thrust of the story being resolved in the raid, they needed to create an accessible way for players to see it. That is what LFR is. And it has ALWAYS been cancerous because you get people who want to afk for free gear.

Yeah, it’s quite baffling how this completely factually incorrect myth just keeps on living.

I have a very busy work schedule, and can only raid on the weekend nights. On weekdays I can only get on about an hour to get dailies done, and maybe a Horrific Vision or a M+ run. So naturally I looked for and chose guilds that raids on Sat/Sun. All three guilds I’ve been part of during Legion and BfA have been weekend guilds for this very reason.

Yet… people who don’t raid thinks it sucks your life out to raid at all. I can guarantee you those people play a TON more hours of WoW every week than me lol.

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Yeah, see the raid. The fact that you are at N’Zoth means everything is working as intended. They never stated the purpose was to just let you push over the boss.


Easy solution: don’t queue LFR, join a raiding guild, and raid with players who actually care about killing the boss/doing mechanics/playing their class properly.

And if you’d been paying attention you’d have understood I work a ROTATING schedule - i do not have the same days off every week. I don’t even get 2 days in a row most of the time - I’m guaranteed one weekend a month; that’s it. I work 4pm to 12am. I play on a dead server where most people are offline when I get on to do dailies and people are so anti-social they don’t want to group up to make dailies go faster (which I don’t understand).

It’s not a hard fight. At 10 stacks of determination you should be popping corrupted synapses so fast Psychus barely touches your sanity. In fact that first phase breezes by. It’s the people who can’t figure out how to get out of the psychus realm and die, the ones who go insane despite having been explained 5 times when and how to use their heart, the tanks who don’t understand how to not drop pools across from each other and to go to the NEAREST synapse and the people who don’t understand what group they’re in or just flat out refuse to follow instructions. And meanwhile I’m either trying my best to be #1 dps or trying to heal/dps as disc AND babysit the raid AND type out raid warnings that a handful of people are just going to ignore.