Please nerf fury healing & arms damage

Too much healing and damage from both.

A boomkin is a fury warrior with a 45 yard long sword.

change my mind


Agreed. Also nerf their damage and move more of it into bleeds.


I wish boomkins were that weak


stg jim

Another 20% off the top of MS added into deep wounds would be very fair. Anyone know the Warrior devs handle on discord?

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Makes sense. I’d also like to allocate an additional 15% of MS damage to slam and cleave.



Ok, we trolling.

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good one dude

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There’s no trolling. If you don’t agree, you are just a bad warrior.

Somones salty about the mana changes. I suggest revert those, not nerf b tier specs…

I don’t think you understand how hard it is to play Fury Warrior. All this talk that we are “busted” and “constantly complaining for more buffs” just doesnt make sense. We are one of the few classes that FINALLY get to shine after all these years (looking at you MAGES ). Rotationally, its very complex for what we have to do to do “good” damage. Not only do we have to put Slaughterhouse on a lot of targets, we ALSO have to make sure our Crushing Blow is mashed AND our Winbringer is in the perfect angle to do ANY damage. We lose everything if enemies move at all. Classes like Mage and Hunter don’t have to worry about enemies being smart like WE do. On top of all of this, the apm it takes to play Fury is more than any other class has ever been. We are constantly getting FLOODED with Crushing Blow charges and if we ever overcap, its gg (that means good game). When I’m playing fury, I’m never not pressing a button while mages get to sit there and hard cast Pyroblast (3 [three] second cast btw [by the way]). I’d like to see other people even try and compete with me as a Fury Warrior because they would crumble under the weight of all the responsibility, apm, and mental pressure it takes to pull off what I can do. Whatever, I’m out, I gotta go do some high queues now, pushing for that 2k (2,000 [two thousand]) rating, later nerds


press on champion

Bump as a reminder to any blues or devs who may read this to hopefully nerf warrior heals and damage

Ret feels more busted than either of the two tbh