Finished MC then went and bought some pieces from the Real Vendor. Went back to MC to purchase but since Raid group is no more I only have 1 minute to teleport and run to the vendor where Rag was at and hope I can find the appropriate item I need from the Vendor.
Please move the vendor outside of the instance
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I just talked to the npc outside and got ported straight in to MC to buy gear… I was solo, not in any kind of group…
Yeah you can port in but if the raid is complete the vendor is over where Rag was killed. A timer starts to ghetto hearth you out so you only have 1 minute to run all the way to the vendor to buy anythjnv
You had a clear mc already? Arnt you a speedy fella.
Yeah got in a group if 40 right after maintenence and breezed through it lol spent my reals and went back to have this problem
why don’t you just ask a guildie to let you invite them to form a raid so you have as much time as you need?
Not in a guild. Dont havr tons of time to commit so i mostly pug. Shouldnt have to do work arounds anyways just to buy the gear
A minimental near the elf that sells mc gear would be great. And a whelp near BRS portal for T2 would be insane too.
Yeah i guess i shouldnt say move it in MC so much as adding one outside would solve this
T6 in tbc was caca because you had to go to cot and then into hyjal for teir this has been that for every teir/set they have introduced.
Asking a friend to group up with you for 10 minutes is not too big of an ask.
However, this is an issue I’ve run into and the better solution would be to let Lord Hydraxis in Azshara also sell tier stuff. He’s already in business of selling things, plus, once you get enough rep you can port to Azhara in seconds. I think that’s a better and a lot easier solution.
Better bit not easier they should just have vendors at either dungeon portals or in neutral towns so its still some effort but not azshara hydraxis effort… even the port is in a dookie area.
No more running off to a vendor anywhere, holding raids up etc.
Loot token > right click > select item > win.
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