Please mesh XP on and XP off together again

Good, don’t really need non-pvpers input.

Eh I think the devs like pve enough, they don’t change much for the minority opinion anyway

Given that there are 46 different areas you can discuss wow. PVP is the last place they would be in. However if they did, they could discuss twinking with good knowledge because most of them did it.

And don’t know about honor levels :joy:

Since they played twinks probably before you played the game, and honor level was not needed at that time, I think that’s a non issue, and some of them would wipe the floor with pvp players, because they are exceptional players.

So they weren’t active this expansion? Yea, the amount of twinks was definitely over exaggerated.

Active in what is the biggest part of the game PVE. PVP is a side game after all. It’s my and your side game, and that’s ok.

:joy: okay, all I needed to hear from you. Could be why your twink is at 50% wins while I was winning 60%+ as a non twink

What twink? I don’t have one. I’m still enjoying the experience whatever the results.

That one…

This? lol I have not played this toon in bgs for ages. I don’t like playing horde, I play them but my passion is for alliance.

Well seeing as you talked about not being able to do 110 xp off… who is your 110 twink?

I had an army of them lol, and it was not twinking really the neck piece was never that high, I only did it to get the rep, and then level through the bgs. Helped me survive as it was brutal at times. I enjoyed it absolutely, but eventually I turned XP on and moved up to 120.

Uh huh. Anyway, I’m off to bed. And unlike you, I am actually going to bed. GN!

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pvp has turned into communism. Omg its not fair, i keep getting killed by someone more overpowered than me? its a rediculous argument either way. Is twinking wrong? Blizzard seems to think so. Its the same thing at lvl 120, just you wont be outlvling for 2 years until the next 10 lvls come out. I dont see the different in the people against twink arguments at all. if everything in this game has to be decided by, well i don’t think this is fair!!! nonsense, this is going to be a squeaky clean to the point of blandness kind of a game. You used to be able to pvp whenever the heck you wanted to, however you wanted to, but now, due to this whiny community, you can’t anymore, regardless of how overpowered or underpowered you are. Its rediculous. Me personnaly, it was nice to be able to pvp within each bracket, you had a different move set, not having some moves until later, different talents etc. I cant now. Could blizz and everyone else stop complaining so i can pvp whenever i want to again. I mean battlegrounds are incredibly equalized nowadays. You always see the same lvls for example. Brackets used to stretch like 9 lvls, so you would always have a lvl 10 vs a lvl 19 in a bg. Now tell me, how does a lvl 10 have any advantage to a lvl 19? Even if you are op as a lvl 19 or any lvl, vs someone of a similar lvl, it is not a horrible difference as much as it was. Also, ill leave with this. Imagine, someone at blizzard is kicking themselves in the face by not adding exp to bgs since the launch of said bgs in vanilla wow. Twinks wouldn’t even be a thing if they had. I guess for now, the compromise is ok, and its the same one we had since the dawn of the trial of the champions patch in wrath, which added the separated ques. I have no sympathy for anyone who complains about getting there butt handed to them in pvp. Its the same thing thats going to happen to you at lvl 120. Hopefully blizzard reverts this change back to the legion pvp days, so i can pvp, whenever i want again. Thank you blizz.

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XP off being in it’s own queue is not a new thing, you do realise that? So if it turned into communism, it was not this expansion, it goes way back. Twinking is a small community overall, the real twinks find a way to enjoy the game. The PT twinks complain and cry, because they can’t dominate in quite the same way.

My question though is, why change it at all? Blizz is a very wishy washy company at this point. In legion, i figured i would be able to pvp whenever i wanted to forever as i thought the template stats thing i figured would last forever. Guess i was wrong. Why does everything in life and in this game have to be fair? You could argue that, well blizz doesn’t like twinks, and that isn’t fair, deal with it. Fair enough, but i don’t understand it. Each side is the same. non twinks and lvlers think its unfair that they get killed so easily, and twinks think its unfair to be separated. Again, like my previous post, what is the difference between twinks at 19 and twinks at lvl 120. I mean, players clearly cant handle competition and getting wrecked, regardless of skill, gear unfairness, opness, so why even merge or unmerge the brackets in the first place. 120 is exactly the same as lvl 19, just different numbers to balance, skills and talents to use, etc. so its nice to be able to experiment with different lvls and areas of pvp. I dont agree with this whole, oh well, twinks just wanna gank noobs nonsense. Its the same junk at lvl 120, just a higher number to balance. If you cant handle it at a lower lvl, you shouldnt be allowed to handle it at the max lvl either. People who cant handle getting ganked in pvp, shouldn’ t even be playing the game. Is ganking ok? No, but why is it seemingly ok at the max lvl to be bis and geared and enchanted to the teeth in pvp, but not ok anywhere else? You could argue that they have been playing the game for a while by 120 and you know whatever, but some of the peeps that hit 120, have been playing for years and years. Its a pointless argument either way. I used to love pvping at the different pvp brackets, trying to try out different rulesets and strategies, and skills and talents, and now i cant because a bunch of white knights and feminists say that it isn’t fair to the people just lvling through and who don’t have gear. The niche i have, that not many people have, im not allowed to experiment with anymore, because of some of the players in this game. If anything comes out of this whole pvp separation thing, ill be incredibly skeptical any time a blizz employee opens his or her mouth about the exp brackets being merged, unmerged again. it was separate for a long time, then a two year merge, then back to separation again. At least be consistent with your decision making blizzard. Don’t say i can do something again, being free to experiment with different areas and lvls of pvp, and then say i cant 2 years later. that is as annoying as it gets to me, because i personaly had a fun time doing it.


You’ve never twinked but you seem to think you know all about the subject, what difference does honor level 1 make to his knowledge? You are trying to make someone look small, which is pretty low.

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Holy smokes, is he still talking to/about me? That’s crossing a very creepy threshold.

To answer your question, people are desperate. They’ll grasp at any straw they can come up with but the instant someone flings ad hominem, they’ve lost. It’s an immature way of conceding a conversation.

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It’s all the same rhetoric. Goes round and round in circles, nothing new is brought to the table. So the circus goes on and on. SS are ridiculed, videos are scrutinized with CSI precision, but it changes nothing. Also bringing peoples toons they post on here as “evidence” they have no knowledge of the game. It get’s very boring, and quite funny at the same time, once you notice the pattern.

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Unfortunately, there are those that don’t have the knack to catch things like this. But those are usually the bandwagon posters. Those people who rarely ever have an opinion of their own and just piggyback off what others say. It makes me miss the good old days when you could commonly have an intelligent conversation here. Now, it’s rather cumbersome to do.