Please mesh XP on and XP off together again

There were also GMs saying that the separation wasn’t intentional.

GMs are not a good source of information anymore.

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lol yeah, if I didn’t think I’d get my hand slapped, I’d post some screenshots to reinforce that comment.

Still they work for blizz they can pass it on or get information I have met gms who have helped me several times and givin me info

If they brought back wod/mop system I have a feelin these threads would not have popped as much as they have a huge issue at least from when I have been reading these threads out of boredom is the fact that BFA is god awful ppl wanted pvp vendors not to sit and pve to gear. As to the merc thing sure I do that sometimes but I would rather you know actually want to play the faction I want since that’s what I picked then pay for a game where I do 1 bg a hour. Not even alliance WOD when they dominated was this bad


And I’ve had GMs too who’ve helped me and some that have not. It seems like a “not very nice” thing to say, but GMs are minimum wage people now. They’re also human and make mistakes too. One doesn’t get the memo, so he assumes something isn’t intentional. Could have been a rookie who wasn’t trained to say “I don’t know, but I’ll find out”.


Could be could not be who knows /shrug your not wrong I have had ppl who wouldn’t help me on my ticket cuz they had zero clue then next person gave me my stuff so again /shrug

And I’ve had the exact same thing happen too. The next person says “I’m not sure why the last person told you that.” Unfortunately, this isn’t like a decade ago where GMs were paid decently and of better quality.

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To the people who are saying “twinks are fine with templates”, what’s your argument for not just expecting blizz to balance classes and gear/gear availability? It’s effectively the same thing.

Twinks will buy 100 ilvl white items or farm high ilvl pieces and even though it’s only a small % difference between them and Joe shmo in missing gear and whites, they’ll still probably win because you have survival hunters and disc priests since blizz can’t even balance templates. On top of literally just better objective play, communication, and overall understanding of classes. (Cuz we aren’t just talking about 19 and 29s here).

If blizzard can’t balance templates they can’t balance live anyways so why bother with seperating. If they can balance templates, then they should just balance items/classes instead.

Also, if I wanted pre allocated stats that’s effectively the same as everyone else, I can just play overwatch.


Let them believe that templates made a difference.

The 111-119 bracket is still bad. Crafted and M ABT gear is better than leveling gear till 118.


Well play Overwatch. No one is forcing you to play bg’s. XP off was nerfed not the gear disparity.

Well because folks can still turn off XP at 110 to get through the pve questing content, and be stronger than levels above them questing. That is an issue for sure. I’ve done it, and it made the bg leveling experience/survivability easier, I even went in as xp off at 110, but I knew the day would come when the separation would happen.

It’s not a issue.

It’s something ant twinkers think was fixed thought.

What you think the scaling of leveling is not an issue, a 110 is more powerful than a 116 at killing pve questing content?

Whats an “ant twinker” and why are their thoughts fixed?

Happens in every call center across the world. Tech, sales, Customer Service. It really depends if you get a tenured agent or not, or even a noob agent who is very smart and has no problem picking things up.

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Out of everything there you only addressed the overwatch deal? (I do and have been playing less Live because it’s just unenjoyable really.)

Not the balancing issues with templates? Not that blizz could spend time to balance the actual game?

Low level has never ever been balanced. They have enough on their hands balancing end game.

Then why separate xpoff/on if balance at low level if balance doesn’t effectively matter?


My original suggestion was a cool-down of 5 days before you could ask for XP to be turned on/off, but even better would be 30 days CD. Either you want to level or you don’t. Separate queues for xp on/off tyvm.

:joy: right? So many people call others twinks, but they really are not. Mostly talking about in-game since we STILL hear complaints of them.