Please make way to fully disable quest object/NPC outline and sparkles?

I would love a way to fully disable outline mode and sparkle mode. I am finding it very distracting, I cannot stand how it adds a green/yellow/red highlight around NPCs and players, it makes them look like the irradiated gnomes in Gnomeregan. Seeing NPCs wasn’t hard for me with the old quest marker over their head, forcing this accessibility option on everyone is distracting and miserably takes away the world-like feel of the game. Outline mode and sparkle mode (what you get when you turn outline mode off) makes WoW feel like a mobile game. Please add a third option where I can have both off entirely, or even better, is there a way to make it modular, like have it on for resource nodes and treasures but off for quest NPC’s and players?

Thanks in advance.