PLEASE make Tinker Goblin/ Gnome exclusive

I disagree with this papi.

No reason why any race can’t go in depth with technology and become a tinker if they can be engineers. Plus, every race can be some form of caster, which takes greate range of intellect.

So yeah, every race should be able to be a tinker and Blizz should open up more DH race combos.


I mean pretty much all races have tinkerers/engineers. Why limit them to just two races?



On Horde we got, Maghar, forsaken, belves, NB,

And Alliance has, Dwarves / DI, Draenie / LFD,

All of those have been shown to have proclivity to tech and engineering. So if not all should have tinker, it should definitely be more than just gnomes and gobs.


Wow has tinkers in game already and were showcased in BFA during Island Expeditions. I agree this should be a separate playable class already and BFA would have been a great introduction for that consideration mechagnomes and mechagon.


It would not be 2 races, it would be 2 races for the alliance, and one for the horde.

That’s why I’m telling you that you would be at a disadvantage from the horde.

That is why it would make a new neutral race different from what we have seen in Azeroth and would bring a Tinker knowledge aid to all races that are available.

In other words, those who are more closely linked to science than to nature.

So the most distant of this class would be the Nelfs and the Taurens regardless of whether there are engineers as a profession.

The tinker would be a kind of Magi-technology as a class, something futuristic and seen that we wish we had as an RPG that includes something from the JRPG.

Making classes race specific is a terrible way to make races unique. It just creates more unnecessary gating. Each race can still have its unique backgrounds and looks without more gating.


No more Race Exclusive to New Classes Plz. It’s ether for all or no New Class at all.

It literally does… being a tinker is about machinery, oil and grease… not magic at all.

At least there’s only been goblin and gnome tinkers in world of warcraft.

The only time that line has been crossed was by broken tinkers I think.

I’d like to see the addition of Tinker class to the game. They’ve existed within lore for a long time. What I wouldn’t want is for it to be exclusive to only a few races. It just turns people off if those races end up being something some aren’t interested in playing. Elves, for instance, with me and some people up above.

Blood elf tinkers in the mechanar, orc machinists, I’m sure there are forsaken engineers as well. Each race has engineers/tinkers/machinists.

Says the troll who came into this forum originally to push racism. :+1:


I disagree.

it’s not gating, it’s distinction.

Which reduces to the their differences to cosmetics.

There need to be gameplay difference to make races wholly distinctive and this would honour the gnome’s and goblin’s specific backgrounds/story and proclivities.

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Goblins, gnomes and mechagnomes should be tinkers.


Those tinkers are demons not blood elves

Also a tinker making a robot through circuits, science, fuel is not the same thing as blood elves just casting a spell to make a rock golem

Magic=/= tinker.

Gazlowe and mekkatorque aren’t using magic

What distinction? The story doesn’t care about any of that so why should simple mechanics do so?

We’d never get tinkers if they had to make the same spell 10 times to calculate for each different race " technological " history.

Just keep it goblins and gnomes, one as allied race for each faction

Also I vote to give tinkers either rocket jump or a jet pack ( hold space in jump to extend the jump )

But if it gives you a new concept away from the engineering profession that we have to choose from in WoW?

The tinker would include between mechanics, blacksmithing and alchemy, but would nevertheless bring some new concepts that he would use through arcane magic combined with gnomish and goblin science such as teleportation, technomancy, remote control via satellite, and drone manipulation for correct use of different weapons that would not be adaptable to your dexterity

Some time ago I made a post adding how a tinker would be, representing with 3 specs between caster dps, Tank and healer, now including a fourth spec that would be like the druid with 4 specs and seeing how Blizzard decided to include any of these 2 specs dps in the which would be a range dps like the hunter and a caster dps.

And are:

1. Caster spec Tinker class: Sage or Geas

Main Weapon: ANY WEAPON

  • Manipulation and remote control of any type of weapon, be it melee or distance, no matter what type it is cloning for specific use of remote attack.

    Apart as a generalization of all your specs, you will have a type of forge like the DK in which you can mechanize these weapons for specific control and use of them.

    It would be much more similar to the JRPG’s or anime videogames like Blazblue, Guilty Gear Xrd, Grand Chase PC or Final Fantasy XIV only that I would use them for the use of laser weapons or long-distance melee attacks.

  • Use of firearms via teleportation, drone and satellite in which you can launch lasers or missiles or long-range fire shots in which it would be a way to cause AoE, however the AoE cap was nerfed thanks to Ion being offended Of the Tanks, we will probably have to deal 5 targets with damage and the rest will be minimal as usual.

  • Control of robots and drones along with the use of satellites and their weapons with laser shots, the tinker summons robots to Drones to make effective the attack of their arcane or frost spells in which it will do massive damage without the use of the nerf from AoE cap .

  • Jetspack and jets rush: a generalized ability for all the Tinker spec, you thought that the double jump and fel Rush of the DH was op, they would not imagine with the beauty of technology.

2. DPS Range spec Tinker Class: Gunslinger or demolition or Sapper

Main Weapon: Fire guns

  • Manipulation of several firearms, the tinker will have the objective of using other firearms just as an Outlaw rogue will be able to use damage or cause cc equally, apart from using other types of bullets that he will use depending on the use they has.

  • Control of robots and drones different from the caster, it will do the same only that it will use firearms or shoot with firearms at several targets at the same time.

  • Use of explosive, ironstars, mines, explosive barrels, Blight bombs and turrets would be useful to use to cause traps to your targets, apart from if Blizzard allows away from its ridiculous censures, it could make the classic Kamikaze Goblin that it has been doing for a long time as Essential part in RTS games in Warcraft including this time the races that Tinker shares knowledge.

3. Tank Spec Tinker Class Mecharider, or Mekgineer or Gunner

Main Weapons: Fist weapons.

  • control Giant robots, Mechanical Reavers and gigantic mechas would be its use to carry as defense against the strongest targets of Azeroth, something very similar to Overwatch D.Va, Mekkatorque in BfA and the same Gazzlowe seen in HotS.

4. Healer Spec Tinker Class: Alchemist or Medic Engineer or chemist or Simply Medic.

Main Weapon: Fireguns

  • Medic bullets As Ana In Overwatch or the true Ghost in Starcraft they would use different bullets such as blinding, lock guns for CC to Tanks, P.E.M. missiles to silence or decrease mana in Caster and other healers and even bullets with toxins to cause damage or annoyance to various groups as unit support.
  • Support Grenades and potions Like the Sapper, it can throw grenades or healing potions, as well as EMP grenades for Caster and healers, Smoke bombs to cloud vision, and blinding ones that cause massive cc’s.
  • Supports drones and pods, Something similar to the shaman or Monks totems, it would be the use of pods and Drones that help to heal several targets at the same time, something similar to the Healing Surge of the shaman.

Well, it is a fairly close idea only with a difference that would go far from what we saw now in WoW and Warcraft, but it would maintain the classic style of the Tinker.

We would only need a high tech technology Titan expansion to make this difference in a tinker with these classes, and decided if it would go to Mail or Clothe as its main armor class.

what’s a tinker? there’s no such class

Most classes are based around magic, would be a breath of fresh air to step away from that… also engineer still can’t do what warcraft 3 tinkers can do, and it should pretty obvious why blizzard has slowly removed Turret abilities from classes.

The specs are already set

Based on Warcraft 3

Tank spec would use the mech suit.

Dps spec would used turrets and finally another class that uses ranged weapons

Healer spec would be based on Warcraft 3 hero unit the chemist.

It fits since gnomes have the engineering racial and Goblins have the alchemist racial.

The class would wear mail armor finally giving mail transmog collectionist another class to enjoy transmog on, it would also let raids contest ranged weapons to another class and intellect mail to another class.

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They’ve existed since warcraft 3 and vanilla wow…