Please Make these Priorities

While most would agree with revert raids to their original didficulty and balues, they can’t. They don’t have 100% reliable data to pull from as 1.12 is the only classic patch they had. So this is they best they could do and while it kind of sucks it is understandable.

LOL What?!

Ya, and purely because on AoE grinding dungeons… which he is doing while leveling his 3rd 60… guy’s a real brain child lmao

Retail said they have some money for you but you have to go get it. Pls do.

The data is in the patch notes a lot of the times stuff like “Reduced damage of X by Y”

Class changes? Hell no. Vanilla/Classic is not your personal playground.

This op makes the most ludricous posts with some of the worse class balance changes I have read in a long time.

I highly doubt you have any development experinece, let alone have played the game in Vanilla let alone even understand the strengths and weaknesses of each class and why the balancing and homeginaztion of classes and systematic destruction of community is why retail is a former shell of the great game it used to be.

All I can really discern from your post is you have too much free time to play and make non sensical posts. Just enjoy the game, rushing your 3rd 60 even with aoe farming means you are probably putting 6-10+ hours a day. More power to you but nothing needs to be changed to fit your skewed needs.

Consistently advocating for class balance changes is cancerous and you should stick to retail.

While that might be true, that only covers changes from 1.11 to 1.12.

1.12/Classic is based on all of vanilla, it’s not unreseasonable to want them to up the difficulty to what it used to be.


They probably won’t do changes to classic ever, and if they do it won’t be till after phase 6 when all the content is out.

Maybe they will do some in game survey that only lv60s can take once per account of various changes that could be added. make it so 95% of the players say “yes” and never do anything that came from cata onwards.

  1. They have already changed vanilla from what classic is.
  2. Content is out, and its being done by level 55’s, even though it was made for 60’s.
  3. When they patch to the next patch, similar class changes etc will be done to the game.


You think that’s bad, every other caster has to deal with mana issues too (except Holy Paladin).

#nochanges - This is classic, not “please make this game work for my shaman and druid and no one else”.

To be honest, I think guild banks caused more problems then they solved for most guilds.

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You are a hypocrite foaming at the mouth posting these ridiculous changes with not a thought in your head.


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That is true, but its no where near as bad as shaman, and balance.

This is not vanilla. Changes happened, and will happen get over it.

Yes because created alt accounts that get everything stolen off them by officers was a much better solution.

Guild banks actually made officers stealing loot a streamlined and easy thing.

They’ve received flak for the changes they’ve already made and they aren’t gonna change core class functionality (or lack thereof) to meet your demands. They should fix hunters and warlocks to their 1.12 functionality instead of keeping them broken. That would be a good start #nochanges

Your are ignorant of class issues, and you are so blinded by the redicious position that classic should not have any form of correction to class issues, that you make up lame attacks like that as your argument point against them

“your this or that”

Are childish remarks void of any intellectual form of thought.

I am fully aware of class issues. In fact those class issues are a part of Vanilla and a part of Classic. That’s the point.

So stealing from the alt, and stealing from the bank is the same. Ultimately, There is still a great amount of good that cames from it, and of them one of the greatest is the reduced demand on the game master staff for it.

Wait, reducing the mana cost of some spells, is changing the core class functionality?

Sounds like your throwing a lot of words out there, completely ignorant of the class, and what your talking about.

Wait, you want to fix classes/spec that are more viable then the ones hurting the most?

Makes sense. Your a genius!

Those ones I mentioned are ones that are currently NOT at Vanilla 1.12. Those ones I mentioned have unique bugs that are unique to Classic. If those classes were broken that way in 1.12, I’d be fine with it. They weren’t.

Yes. Especially by something ridiculous like 40-60% LOL.

Then again I’m actually replying to someone suggesting 4 hour single dungeon lockouts LOL.

Lol are you high?

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