Please make the rest of the vanilla phasesd 1 month each so tbc gets here faster

increasae the rate of release for the rest of the phases in the vanilla crap era, send all the classic andys on anniversary to era clusters give us tbc sooner. make tbc phases longer as well. no one wants vanilla anymore at this point. era is for the classic andys. quit whining about your “fresh” experience and your vanilla purist attitude. go play era. we just want tbc now. quit appealing to 2 crowds at once

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yes it is :slight_smile:

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henceforth they can stay there and be happy they have an eternal vanilla server

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all we ask for.

And for fresh every so often but when we get it we will complain about phases and details

and i completely understand and respect that. you enjoy what you enjoy in life. im playing my sham on era rn b/c im tired of waiting for tbc. im just tired of vanilla. been playing it for 9-10 yrs damn near straight. need more tbc in my life

If we get 1 month anniversary phases, it should continue through TBC and wrath as well.

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When TBC hits, each phase should be 1 week so Wrath gets here faster.


no :expressionless: if anything tbc should be delayed further.

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what is this forum troll meta of saying insanely dumb unpopular opinions and making it seam like thats how everyone thinks


You want the game to hurry up into another dead game?

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my toon’s already parked by the Dark Portal.

There’s demons so he’s a little bit to the side… and at 90 durability.