Please make Lone Wolf for Marksman OPTIONAL

Of course it would fit, its completely spec neutral… it always would have made more sense, in MM.
SVs niche is traps and stings more than ammo.

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SV’s niche was poisons, explosives and traps such as the slowing frost trap. Exotic Munitions consisted of a poison, an explosive, and slowing frost damage.

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Which was attached to the ammo, not the trap, explosive, or poison. Nothing about that screams SV.

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What are you talking about? Incendiary Ammo was an explosive, just like Explosive Shot. Poisonous Ammo was a poison, just like Serpent Sting. It added elemental damage to auto shots, to make yet another aspect of the SV kit elemental damage rather than physical. MM focuses on physical damage, not elemental damage. SV focused on elemental damage, primarily through DoTs and explosives, not physical damage. That is why its mastery was +elemental damage.

Elemental damage, explosives, poisonous dots. Nothing could scream SV more.


We can agree to disagree here, its a pointless argument. It 100% would fit in either spec in my view… you are welcome to see it how you wish.


I’m not saying it can’t go in MM. I am saying that it is a SV ability. It would go in the SV spellbook. It was and would be a SV talent before it would be a MM talent.

And just like that, this is now a RSV thread, isn’t it.


We are discussing Exotic Munitions, which was a SV talent. The purpose is the discussion of the specs and their variety. We don’t need one spec to have no pet and one spec to be melee to have variety, and Exotic Munitions is an example of that variety that fits one spec’s fantasy exclusively.

If you don’t like another person’s opinion you can express your own opinion as to why. You don’t have to just whine about them expressing their opinion.

I mean, they kind of have a point. That discussion was way off topic for this particular thread.

Sure, but they’re the one who brought it up.

Honestly? The idea of Exotic Munitions in MM doesn’t bother me, for a number of reasons.

One: MM has had access to poisons since Vanilla. Serpent Sting, anyone? And MM had access to non-physical damage from Vanilla to WoD (Arcane Shot and Chimera Shot). Legion is the first time MM was designed to be purely physical-based (even though MM had a few non-physical damaging talents, but they largely sucked).

Two: I’ve always preferred the approach of class identity > spec identity. I greatly prefer the approach of Vanilla through MoP, in which the class would share, like, 80% or 85% of the same toolkit while getting a few specialized talents.

Three: I’ve always seen RSV as more of a Crowd Control specialist, not as an elemental-based/non-physical spec. So I’m perfectly fine – and actually I really quite like – with the idea of both BM and MM getting more poisons/bleeds/other “special ammo” options back.

EDIT: And I’m not even getting into traps. I enjoyed, and I USED, all the traps as MM prior to Legion – Frost Trap, Freezing Trap, Fire Trap, Snake Trap, and Explosive Trap. I want them back.

DOUBLE EDIT: I forgot one more reason.

Four: MM has had something similar to Exotic Munitions before. MM has had poison ammo, explosive ammo, and freezing ammo before. MM has had that for several expansions. It’s not an exclusively SV thing.


Isn’t the point of MM to be a petless hunter? For those that want to be a ranger/archer type.


The thing is, LW on the MM is tricky. It is an option: you’re trading off utility for more damage. Where it gets tricky is that sort of choice is only possible because hunters were pruned to hell and back, and the abilities we did get back were tied to our pets.

You want tranquilizing shot? Can’t have it, but here’s a dispel on the pet. If we get tranq shot back, does that mean we have two dispels, or is it going to be one of those weird “i have concussive shot and a pet that slows” kind of things?

Now that we’re supposed to be getting unpruned, where the hell does that leave LW - what incentives will MM have to have a pet out if the damage bonus is still in effect?

It’s times like this that I really miss the buffs pets gave to their hunters back in WOTLK…minus the “everyone has a wolf” thing. I would probably go for something like this again: Lone Wolf gives a straight DPS increase, pets offer specific DPS, mobility, defensive, or utility bonuses. Not ‘oh, here’s some mortal strike lol,’ but fine-tuned increases that allow us to push our hunters where we want them to go.

Want to run faster? Get a strider for a 10% movement increase. Want more crit? Get a wolf for a critical chance increase. Want your crits to hurt more? Get a dragonhawk for critical damage buffs. Want camouflage to have a shorter CD and a smaller detection radius? CATS. Need an extra heal and maybe some passive regen? Crane. Armor penetration? Wasps. Want to have some sweet Monkey Aspect action again? Get a monkey. Damage reduction? Bear. Passive regen? Get a lizard. Leech? Blood beasts. Want to lower the CD on Feign? Get a dog. Need to add some elemental damage to your shots? Wind Serpent, Chimera, Shale Spider, take your pick.

Blizzard may want to think about this because right now, they’re making all these pets and so many of them are being wasted because they’re just boring: there are so many families of pets and so many ways that you can configure their specialty so you’re still getting the usual Ferocity, Tenacity, and Cunning packages and getting very specific extremely customizable buffs on top of it. If I’m doing progression, do I want to do a Tenacity pet for an extra defensive and more health, or maybe get a ferocity pet with extra leech on top of its leech and hope the leech compensates?

There are endless possibilities that go beyond “a 10% DPS buff” and into "that is insanely customizable. It ain’t my fault Blizzard has no imagination when it comes to making pets useful.


Never really has been. It’s been more focused on physical shots and shots with cast times. One of the major points of Hunter was to have a pet.

It wouldn’t bother me at all if it was a baseline ability for all specs. But if it is going to one spec it should go to SV. It wouldn’t contradict MM or BM, but it fits best in SV.

And I know that this is extremely unpopular, but I’ve always been of the option – and always will – that Lone Wolf is one of the worst things to happen to MM.

Prior to WoD, MM has always had a pet. That’s from 2004 to 2014. Ten years! But then Blizzard tried to remove pets from MM via insanely over-buffing Lone Wolf during WoD and then using that as an excuse to permanently remove pets from MM in Legion. Thankfully, Blizzard backed away from that one.

Like I said earlier, I’m the sort who vastly prefer the class identity over spec identity. Hence, why I feel that Lone Wolf is a terrible, terrible thing.

BUT… it’s already done. As long as Lone Wolf continues to be optional, I can live with it.


So WoW only gun/archer class is supposed to have a pet at all times? I honestly preffer how it is now then, it has 3 distinct options for specs.

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I’ve actually never considered something like this before. Pets that can affect just the Hunter, and because of that they can affect them in Hunter specific ways. That’s brilliant actually. Reducing some Hunter ability cooldowns. Making some Hunter abilities more potent. So on and so forth. That would make pets much more interesting than just “lol mortal strike”.

Exotic munitions was class-wide in WoD, but it does fit SV best. Kinda disagree the MM is all about physical shots though. For a very long time its hardest hitting spell was chimera shot. It’s good for the specializations to… specialize, but go too far in one direction and you’ll get legion/bfa.


Blame Blizzard for not introducing a new ranged weapon using class. It’s not our fault that Blizzard is lazy, and our class shouldn’t be destroyed just because of that laziness.

Sure, but Chimera shot never really felt like a magical damage shot. Not nearly in the same vein as Explosive Shot, Black Arrow, Arcane Shot, Serpent Sting, etc…

Again, Munitions for all specs would be superb. But I would just like SV to get it and to be able to use it.

Right. The only time MM was “all about physical shots” was in Legion. And we all know how Legion’s MM turned out.

Vanilla, MM had Arcane Shot alongside Multi-Shot and Aimed Shot (and Serpent Sting). Granted, it wasn’t very powerful but it was useful against plate-wearing classes.

BC, MM used these same abilities. Oh, and MM got Silencing Shot.

WotLK, that’s when MM got Chimera Shot… and oh man, was it a game-changer! Not only was Chimera Shot nature-based, but it also did extra things basing on the sting you used (Serpent, Scorpid, and Widow stings). Chimera Shot quickly became one of the two top-dmg shots alongside Aimed Shot.

Cata and MoP, MM continued to be designed around Aimed Shot and Chimera Shot. MM’s toolkit grew with all sorts of things – A Murder of Crows, Glaive Toss, Powershot, and so on.

WoD, MM got pruned pretty hard but MM still had both Aimed and Chimera.

Legion is when Blizzard stole Chimera from MM and gave it to BM, leaving MM with all physical attacks. MM could take Explosive Shot as a “meme spec,” but eh, we know what that was like.

Edit: I want Silencing Shot back. Silencing Shot > Counter shot.

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