I want to be a MM Hunter. I also want to have my pet out. What is so hard to believe about that? Why did it become non-optional in BFA? How come it’s not being reverted back in Shadowlands?
No, I do not want to play BM. It’s too simple. No, I do not want to play SV either because it’s melee now.
Why should you be punished for wanting to have your pet out? I get -10% damage JUST for having my beloved companion fight with me.
Like… what?
Please, allow us poor MM Hunters to have our pets back without punishing us. Make it optional again.
It can’t be toggle-able or a passive buff applied whenever you don’t have a pet out, because then that wouldn’t be optional and you’d be forced to keep your pet dismissed for the damage increase.
It has to go back into the talents.
What about the current iteration isn’t optional?
How big of a damage increase is it really, anyway? Between having pet damage and having a 10% damage buff?
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I have my pet out all the time in world pvp, it’s really rather helpful compared to not using it at all.
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I mean, you can do it now… so do it? If having pet out and using it as MM is something you like, then do it. It has its advantage and disadvantage for both.
Yeah, the damage of the pet and the damage buff from not having a pet should be roughly even (with, if I recall correctly, a slight edge in AOE/target switching situations to not having one but an edge to having one in single-target).
Aye, you lose on the aoe side because the pet doesnt aoe like BM’s
you gain some utility buff / skill that the pet has. (The one with dispel is always a big help)
I won’t lie, I rely on my Wolfhawk’s Featherfall hardcore even as Marks. 
It’s a damage loss to use a pet in all situations currently. That’s not something you want as a dps spec.
BM and SV get to reap the rewards of pet abilities and bonuses all while dealing 100% of their potential damage. MM is the outlier.
No, but if you really cared that much about dps right now, you’d be playing BM.
Regardless, your main objective as a dps spec is to deal as much damage as you can. MM has to sacrifice what the other hunter specs do not in order to accomplish this.
I’m not saying you’re wrong in that regard. Just saying if dps was your main concern you’d be playing BM. Personally I think you should play what you enjoy, how you enjoy it and if anyone tries to tell you, “you have to play x to play with us” they aren’t worth your time.
I wish there was no dps difference between pet and no pet. I want more than 1 spec option, especially when i had 3. Range and pet not one or other.
This is true, but MM has to sacrifice some DPS for the utility the pet offers - slows, dispels, mortal strike, a taunt, more leech, bloodlust, an escape button, what have you.
It is the only hunter spec that has to make this choice, but it also has the least utility of all three specs. Now, if MM were the highest DPS hunter spec, we wouldn’t even be having this conversation, but guess what, it isn’t.
No, I do not want to play BM. It’s too simple. No, I do not want to play SV either because it’s melee now.
Not to be that guy but MM’s current rotation is easier than BM (not that either are hard). The only difficulty with MM is that you cannot cast everything on the move but its not a difficult rotation. The fact is, the pace of MM is slow and I actually prefer the faster playstlye of BM (and this comes from someone who has always played MM and usually prefers it).
We again arrive at a problem created by Blizzard’s reluctance to just make another darned ranged weapon class. People wanted a petless archer, which makes sense since there are many ranger archetypes that don’t use pets. So Blizzard had to dilute Hunters with a petless option instead of making a new class altogether.
Why does Hunter have to continually be burdened by Blizzard’s experiments? Taking away the pet. Taking away the ranged weapon. You’re taking away what makes Hunters Hunters. It’s like if they made a Mage spec that doesn’t cast spells, or a Warrior spec that doesn’t use rage, or a Rogue spec that can’t stealth.
There’s a lot of cool Hunter-like aspects that aren’t being fulfilled by the class but can’t really be combined into a single new class either.
People want Dark Ranger. People want a Rexxar-like Beastmaster. People want a Witch Hunter-style guy who dual-wields pistols. Can’t fit that all into a single class.
What are you talking about? You could easily split the hunter into at least 2 classes if you wanted to.
BM (Current Spec)
Rip and Tear (a melee BM spec)
Pack Hunters (a BM tank spec)
MM (Current spec)
Survival (petless melee spec)
Poison (a spec focusing more on dots and traps)
and this was just making it up off the top of my head. I could probably come up with more if I wanted to break it down more specifically.
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I’m honestly still bewildered by this topic a bit, if someone wouldn’t mind humoring me for a moment because I’m just not wrapping my head around this. But what would be the point of ever not using your pet if you dps with or without is negligible? Everyone would just have it out all the time for the utility.
This is of course not even drawing upon the people that I’m sure like the petless aspect of mm.
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Because not everyone wants to be a hunter with a pet. Some people would rather be a simple archer.