Title says it all. I am an altoholic and I really don’t want to spend so much time questing AGAIN on a second, third, etc. character…I want to run dungeons to learn my class. Leveling with dungeons is fun, but then no flight paths get learned. So it’d be nice to just have to learn them once.
They already confirmed that once you learn a flight path in the new expansion it is unlocked for your other toons in your warband.
While we wait for warbands, there are these Scouting Maps that reveal zones and enable flight paths.
I believe they’re sold in Ironforge.
Sucks to be you if you’re a horde!
hee hee hee
And then there’s the one sold in BfA for BfA zones. Weird that it’s now a one time use instead of being made a toy, but, eh, it’s pretty cheap.
IS there a list somewhere of the things that will be part of warbrands? the only thing I know of is rep and now flight paths
The scouting maps? They are toys.
The classic world ones are toys. The BfA zones ones arn’t. It’s weird.
Edit: Interesting, I just learned there is a BfA scouting map toy. I guess it’s not as well known because it’s 10,000g. Even an altoholic like me wouldn’t get my money’s worth out of that.
Edit again: Yeah, that one.
They are sold by the same vendor that sells Heirlooms.
Horde pick them up in Undercity
You already can unlock all major flightpaths in every zone by buying a toy item. And like few people said already you will be learn everything account wide