Druids need to have an instant shape shift ability and not take 2 globals. It currently works for changing from animal → humans. why not for humans > animals?
For example, when I am in cat form and I want to heal someone, it instantly takes me to human form automatically to press the ability. There is not an additional GCD to transform. However, when I try to attack swipe (cat), it should automatically change me to cat. I shouldn’t have to waste a global to turn into cat, and then press swipe.
That delay is part of the balancing of them… but I agree I hate it.
Numbers tweaking that can be done somewhere else. It’s a clunk outdated design that they already know is bad because they made D4 druids shapeshift instantly with attacks and everybody likes it better that way.
I honestly doubt it is part of the balance. I think it’s just legacy techdebt/cruft
but all other healers can attack and heal like that…except druids.
It was part of the balance in classic when shapeshifting burned 1/3 of your mana, but today when resources are borderline irrelevant this is nothing more than a waste of GCD.
agreed, what’s the benefit of shifting out of a root if you’re left exposed for a couple million damage worth of time.
I like this idea; take away all the stuff from PvPers so they stop pvping out of frustration and then we bads can pvp and ask for the stuff back.
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It really sucks because as you climb higher in m+ as a boomkin, you often are having to hangout in bear form to avoid getting one shot, or to bear form → frenzied regen if the healer is struggling which makes your DPS plummet.
I won’t argue that with you… it’s one of the factors that led me to stop maining resto druid. Catweaving and Bearweaving are clunky with all those wasted GCDs.
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Yup it only felt good to get out of cat with a heal or sunfire, and then feels bad to go back into cat form while doing nothing. Makes no logical sense.
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I’m for making it instant non-GCD if it loses the root/movement impairment removal mechanic.
A perfect example of what I mean when I say things are balanced around shapeshifting being on the GCD.
When you pop out to heal someone, as the heal is going off, click Stampeding Roar. It is not on the GCD and turns you back into a cat or bear instantly.
You’re welcome
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