Please make deadmines worth doing

Everyone leaves because its honestly a terrible dungeon to get, it takes forever to the end and when you do, you have to double back for no reward. its honestly a terrible slog fest which no one wants to do. double valor or just skip the RP

Just leave if you don’t like it. There seems to be a small subset of posters complaining about this dungeon, but dude… you don’t have to.

Catering to complainers like this won’t solve any problems. It will just invite more complaints, which at least in my opinion isn’t the type of community cultivation that invites participation from the types of members of communities I’d like to be a part of.


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It is worth doing, just not for you. A lot of Rogue pre-bis is in DM.

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There are worse dungeons out there.

Oculus for one, not very many people enjoy doing that dungeon.

Halls of Origination would be worse if you had to go through ALL the bosses.

There’s probably more, but I just woke up.

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Deadmines isn’t nearly as long as people make it out to be, but I certainly wouldn’t object to a significant trash prune.

Having said that, there is 0.000001% that the devs actually change how an instance plays out at this point so I would get comfortable with the serenity prayer.

“Give me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change
courage to change the things I can
and wisdom to know the difference”
-Samuel L. Jackson

Oh look a no post alt complain8ng about deadmines.

Wonder whos alt this is.

legit q has ppl usually complained abt deadmines back then?
when i read reddit/articles on worst dungeons its usually wc/vh/occ lmao.
like r u guys bad or whats up

So Occullus is an issue with people knowing how to do it, that was an issue back in the day not so much in classic. Once people know it it’s fast.

DM sucks and there’s pretty much no way to speed it up or avoid the suck.