Please make an asmongold NPC for shadowlanda

This thread is creepy.

(no cookie)


You think this other players should have NPCs named after them and asmon shouldnt why? When he has done more than anyone

Its not creepy.

If he was an NPC I’d hug and tickle him every time I walked by him. On my numerous trips each day.

Now its creepy


They can put a poll up.

Lots of popular people are jerks. Mistaking “irredeemable jackwagon” for “a forceful personality” is a common mistake.


Is it just me or is the OP pulling off the rabid fan of asmongold quite well?


No, nope, nope don’t even. I dont care what streamer does no matter how many sheepies he/she has got following them. Please dont ever do this, Blizz.

The only one that should get an npc is a lil gnome who gives out cookies.


Yeah let’s not! It will probably be an Npc that cause a debuff on you says annoyance on it.

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Just you. First thought that came to me is Biden jonesing for Kamala.

After what happened at the beginning of the year, I’m not sure Blizzard will be to open to adding NPCs of present players.

Because the entire WoW community is made up of narcissistic trolls who thrive on the kind of content Asmon puts out? Do you know how the internet works, like at all?

“Bro, you’re just too stupid to understand Rick and Morty’s humor. To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand it.”


I couldn’t see blizzard doing it, they’re pretty selective on who should get a spot as an NPC in their game.

I remember they put Bajheera back in WoD, but Baj is anything but controversial, pretty chill guy who likes to /flex, it was a great idea on blizzards end.

The issue is Asmongold has a love hate relationship with the community, if they put him in, blizzard would face in one way or another some sort of backlash, so I guarantee it’s low on their priority list.

The GD weirdoes hate Asmon for some reason.


Checks if thread was flagged… it was… ok good.

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I think the hate is unwarranted but I fully understand why people don’t like him

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I like Asmon, but come on dude lol. even you had to know this one was gonna get flagged.

I think it’s a great idea! But it needs to be a Vulpera hunter with a white fox pet. He’d love that (not).

Citation needed.

Yeah I think not, people that don’t play wow know Leeroy.

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HELL NO! I don’t think so! Stupidest suggestion ever!