Please Lift Evoker Restrictions for Pandaland Remix

As an Evoker main id like to be able to be in my guild and be on an evoker in pandaland Remix, I have already put alot of effort into my Evoker and having it limited to 1 is really going to suck.

I havnt read anything about it being lifted before War Within but Pandaland will be over by then. Just 1 patch early wouldnt hurt that much… PLzzzzz


I completely agree, it will be very sad not to be able to create an Evoker to play Remix.
Furthermore we will start at lvl 10, like everyone else, there will be no advantage for the evoker.

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bump cos it needs to be addressed, 1 week to tell me if im playing or not

I forgot this was a thing. It would be nice if they lift the restriction, but you can also create an Evoker on a connected realm and still join your guild.

If you’re US, the connections are: Cairne, Perenolde, Cenarius, Korgath, Blackmoore, Frostmane, Ner’zhul, Tortheldrin.

none of my realms are connected for guild activities. Meaning id be guildless

You can use realID and communities for this.

This should not be the work around. Its an oversight

I mean I see no reason for them to not open it up at this point, but there are still ways that it will work for you just fine.

population is a major thing sadly, if population and enviroment wasnt a major thing id play on a different server, some times you just get put on yours and you have nobody around.

I play on high pop server so id notice it

Yeah it won’t matter next expansion which is why I transferred off a52 this tier to get my name for TWW.

Doesn’t help for now, obviously.

The reason they wont let us make a 2nd dracthyr is because of leveling advantage… but lets be honest, it takes longer to do the dracthyr opening story then it does to level to 58 these days.

And starting a dracthyr at level 1 or 10 or what ever level we start at for this event would do nothing to give anybody an advantage. Its a locked character for the event, and will only come out of the event in teh pre patch or there abouts. at that point the level 1 or level 70 does not matter