Please let us skip spine in 9.1.5

It’s an annoying encounter.


flips table


but its so easy…all u got to do is keep moving side to side to side to side the whole fight

Kill a tentacle, stand where it was, go afk til enough bloods spawn

Easy fight


that doesn’t make it fun

didnt think that raid was suppose to be fun lol im just glad i got the 2 mounts off the last boss so all i have to do is the first 4 bosses

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I’d love to never have to do spine again. But let’s take it a step further and give us the option to skip rp in all old raids too, 'cause I’m tired of listening to the same 40 second dialogue every week.


Would be nice to do it once then have a ‘skip’.
That encounter, while not hard by any means is depressingly annoying.

Yea I’d rather be able to skip the RP tbh

I’m tired of hearing about the plan

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What’s this spin you guys talking about ?

Spine of Deathwing fight in Dragon Soul

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and give us mounts in old raids while we’re at it

Yeah the endless talking is why I don’t touch DS anymore


Spine fight is annoying? In order to activate the fights in DS; you have to talk to the NPC to start it, that’s annoying.

I’d rather skip the useless dragons attacking us on the tower before ultraxion than spine
Even waiting for the orc lady portal to open is zzz


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Then don’t do it.

you can already skip that, once u go up use portal to go back down then go up and its there

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