Please let us loot Taeshalach, Scythe of the unmaker

You do realize, I hope, that Taeshalach is just a cosmetic appearance and not an actual weapon you could have in your bags. I get what you’re wanting but Blizz would need to change more than just making it drop for warlocks.

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That’s not right. I swear I have it in my void storage.

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They may have changed it since Legion then but it dropped for me in the last month. It was a cosmetic item that I clicked on to learn and it disappeared.

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yes, but if the cosmetic item is unlearnable. it can remain in inventory without it disappearing. I have a Gilded Sinfall sword marked as cosmetic on use, in my bags. and my felguard uses it just fine.


Oh that’s interesting. Well, in that case you do just need it to drop. Strange interaction that Blizz probably didn’t anticipate.

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During BfA neither was cosmetic.

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It would be nice to use the Sycthe on my felguard. I agree.


Alternatively they can make like a small transmog system for our demons to help customize them.

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they can always put loot back to raid wide and not class specific, just like all the old, old stuff. maybe they can put this as an option for legacy stuff, just like difficulties.


I propose that felguards should have a chance of looting the appearance of any weapon they can use in any instanced content.


I have BAGS AND BAGS of 2h weapons for my Felguard. I mainly like to keep noteable “named” weapons for him. I’d love Taeshalach.

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its solo content, there is zero reason to have push personal loot anymore for legacy content

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You get cream filled crocks instead! >:(

Now back to the neather with you!

Your fel guard is not a warrior, paladin, death knight, or survival hunter.

Taeshalach is a cosmetic now.

Change request denied.

I know this is a bit old, but uh, yeah, that sounds like a point to me.
Certainly more than:

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