Please let us glyph a personal mount for divine steed

If we have to use divine steed to be mobile, then can we at least glyph a mount to be the steed. Kind of odd to be using different looking gear that doesn’t match the divine steed at all. cough cough the arathi set.


Id like a “sprint” glyph so it just looks like Im running fast, like nitro boost tinker without the fire animation. Let something paladin does not be visually telegraphed so it is noticeable from space. Steed is a CC magnet.

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Hell yeah, GMOD for steed.

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Mr blizzard, some of our paladins transmog don’t match any of the steeds, it would be cool to have an option to choose from our mount collection to be our divine steed so it matches our transmog. That is all.

Totally would glyph one of the motorcycles

Would be complete with a metal chain weapon

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There is such a glyph for the legion mounts. But you have to get it at the paladin hall in legion and you have to do the legion content first.

Yes I know, my post is saying to let us choose something from our personal mount collection to be our divine steed, since some transmogs don’t match any of the 4 legion horses.

They could call you The Holy Roller.

Or at least offer an uprezzed version of the human/BE horse. Thing looks so bad compared to the other paladin racial mounts.

That already exists with the legion class hall mounts, yet they don’t match most mogs cough the arathi set cough. My suggestion is better as I’m saying let us personally choose our divine beast from our mount collection.

I don’t think they will let you select any mount because they want the charger to be paladin themed. I’m not against the idea, but I don’t see it happening.

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