Please let us fight in Visage form or let us transmog more stuff onto our Dracthyr Evoker!

Play a human then…
Or a gnome like me!

Logic stopped in wow a decade ago. The skinny lizards are ugly, base doesn’t like them since announced

The way the drac’thyr are now is how they should remain.

Their scales are their armour. They are already suited up, they don’t need anything more. Tmog is where visage comes in.
So if you want a toggle to remain in visage, ask for that (as I see you did) but to ask to have their true forms be able to wear mogs is dumb imo.
It’d be like wearing a full metal suit and then putting a dress on over it.
That’d just be goofy.


Another day. Another “give dracthyr literally everything” thread.

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If Demon Hunters can pop into demon form to eye beam and then pop out then Evokers can pop into gecko form for a breath or soar and pop out when it’s over. Simple.

idc which of the 2 happens or if they even open up evoker to other races as long as i can transmog. however visage form isnt the problem the problem is dracthyr being other classes and then being able to fight in visage.

this is a really good way to explain it.

your right its worse really.

if blizzard would either unlock the class from the race this wouldnt happen or they could not be lazy and make transmog work and these arguments would stop. were gonna keep getting this till blizzard fixes the problem they created. nobody likes the race which is why its a sub 1% played for the non evoker classes. hell i would even accept all evoker tier being put on the barber shop with a promise that work is being done to allow transmog but this is a bandaid fix while the problem gets worked on

that feels more like it was done out of spite especially since nobody plays them.

im with you but im torn between dwarf and vulpera

its wild your advocating for less people to play the class than more.

so fire mages with dragonbreath just doesnt exist anymore or are they also dracthyr?

Void Elf: we did NOT decide to pick a purple tentacle elf. We decided to play the unwanted consolation prize Ion insultingly threw at us because he couldn’t man up and give us the High Elves we had been asking for. If things had gone entirely his way, high elf customizations never would have been added to Void Elf and there would have been a mass exodus of alliance players. So since they have High Elf customizations now, we choose Void Elf to play Alliance High Elves.

Worgen: Worgen have some arguably better human customizations than actual Humans do… and many players just want to play a Gilnean Human… also access to Druid is an appeal for some…

Dracthyr: your experience with people RPing dracthyr as Half Elves aside… most who choose to play Dracthyr wish to play Dracthyr… wanting to maintain visage form over dragon form doesn’t mean someone doesn’t want to play Dracthyr. Visage is still Dracthyr.

I mean, my dragon form is armored up with helm, chain mail, shoulders, boots and gloves. Only difference is my dragon form doesn’t use my gear mog, which is silly.

But my dragon form is decked out in armor.

The only spell that doesn’t use your dragon form is literally just living flame.

Fire mages don’t use red dragon aspect magic. They use arcane to mimic fire. Evokers literally use dragon magic, it’s the lore.

My friend this is a nonsensical argument.

Void elves can use all of the armor in the game.

Worgen can use all of the armor in the game.

Dracthyr in their hybrid/true form can use virtually none of the armor in the game.

It is not remotely out of line to ask for the ability to engage in combat using the option available to the player that lets them display the armor pieces they have played and worked to obtain.

And if your response is “then you should push Blizzard to add the armor to the true form” I’m going to stop you there.

Blizzard absolutely is not going to spend the astronomical resources it would take to fit 20 years worth of mail armor to that race, and if they were, they’d have done it 4 or so years ago when Dragonflight was being produced or during the lifetime of the Dragonflight expansion.

Moreover, I don’t know exactly what you’re referring to with respect to void elves, I assume people who want to look like an alliance blood elf (Alleria does… why can’t a player???) but that’s not something I’ve heard a lot about.

Worgen I think it’s a fair argument to say they could conceivably fight in their human disguise if they wanted to, and certainly with Dracthyr as non-evokers having this capability, Worgen probably should, too. Sometimes you just want to mix it up. Zero reason to be overly restrictive. It’s not like you get human racials (as unspectacular as they are nowadays) in your human form anyway.

Aug only uses it for breaths and there’s many other spells that absolutely don’t need to use it but somehow do.
Blizzard should just rework it so people can play the class Demon Hunter style, maybe then it’d be more popular. Turn into the stupid gecko for big breaths, soar and maybe Disintegrate, stay in visage for everything else. Gecko enjoyers can stay in their stupid form, normal people can finally play the class without feeling uncomfortable, everyone wins.

Augs use their wings mostly.

And no, like I said, everything uses you wings, claws or breath. Only living flame doesn’t.

Just don’t play the class. That or turn on chosen identity, like I do, and only see your dragon form in combat. Honestly, you shouldn’t be worried about how you look in combat.

and the lore hasnt mattered to blizzard in years. why start pretending it does now

Because once they just throw class fantasy away, what is even the point of the game anymore.

You’re not one of those “screw it, let’s just do whatever now” type of people are you? Just because they suck with certain aspects doesn’t mean they should at others.

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The class is mechanically fun but it sucks to play because of the goofy distracting model and it’s idiotic wings. The wings specifically are why I shelved the class in late Dragonflight, they’re stupid, too big and distracting.
Most of Aug kit can ignore the gecko form, and claws requiring it at all is just purely idiotic. Just let people stay in visage most of the time, ez blizz win.

Cool, the class and class fantasy isn’t for you then. That is just the gist of it

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I don’t care about “class fantasy”. The specs are fun, the model and specifically the dumb wings are enough for me to not want to play it.

Yeah, so the class fantasy isn’t for you. You already stated as such. Blizzard has to draw the line somewhere. If not, it might as well be fortnight with goku and John Wick running around.

Again, don’t care about “class fantasy” or any other such garbage. I care about class mechanics and how it plays when I pick a class/spec. This is the only time when I had to drop a class I enjoyed because of idiotic arbitrary decisions outside of actual class design.