Please let us blacklist BGs

I can’t take anymore Strand of the Ancients.


Yes blizzard, please either REMOVE stand of the ancients, or let us blacklist atleast 1 BG. I actually enjoy every bg…except that one. It’s bugged and just unfun and zero skill. Just get a demo and plow thru the doors gg

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Strand is fine. Lol history repeating itself if people are going to cry until it gets removed again.

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Support, Strands sucks

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just did 3 random battlegrounds in a row. out of 8 battlegrounds to choose from, how did it pick strands 3 times in a row? strands is so bad. it isnt even pvp. its go get the car and vroom

I have a fix. Install and level in retail.

Replace soa with seething shores.

Find out there can be worse things bg wise.

As horde…i would really like to blacklist the auto-loss that is the alliance honor pinata of Isle of Conquest

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Lol I actually don’t know whats worse :sweat_smile: I hate both of those bgs so much

Retail PvP is absolute garbage lol

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I honestly forgot how terrible strands was, but nothing comes close to seething shore. It’s the only BG where I AFK out every single time.

I would blacklist Isle of Conquest only.

I actually just like the others lol

But isle of conquest is just straight garbo

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Why not?


Just delete strand AND isle from the game. Both are horrid abominations.

SotA and IoC would get immediately blacklisted on my list.

It’s incredibly unbalanced.

Voicing an opinion over being able to blacklist an already-removed BG in retail is not crying.